King's Business - 1934-08

September, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


o f the great queen Candace, was riding along in his chariot, returning to his coun­ try. Somewhere he had picked up a book which was a part of the Bible. Now this man was not a Jew, and he did not know at all what the book o f the prophet Isaiah meant when it said: “He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth.” Philip was walking along this road, ready to help any one who was trying to find God, for this was his work as Jesus’ disciple. As Philip was walking along, God’s Holy Spirit directed him to go up to the eunuch’s chariot. Philip asked the eunuch whether he understood what he was reading. Philip was just the man that the eunuch needed—some one who could explain about the Lord Jesus, who was “ led as a sheep to the slaughter.” The eunuch invited Philip to ride with him, and Philip explained how Jesus came to earth to suffer and die for the people. The eunuch understood and be­ lieved and was baptized.

heart when desired. Print on the question mark the following words: “What must I do to be saved ?” and, “ See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?” Put a cross in the Bible with these words writ­ ten on it : “ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” “And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest.” (A thread fastened to the bottom of the cross, running up to the top and down the back o f the Bible, can be pulled to produce the cross.) Lesson: Isn’t this a strange-looking heart with a big question mark coming out o f the top of it ? Did you ever stop to realize that the Bible was written to answer the heart questions o f people? Here is the Bible, ready to answer the questions o f the heart. On the question mark, I read: “What must I do to be saved?” Notice, something is coming out of the Bible. It is a cross, and on it these words are written: “Be­ lieve on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” T o believe on Christ does not mean to just believe.thfit He lived and died, but it means to believe that He died for our sin on the cross; and it means to accept Him as Saviour. The question mark moves up a little higher, and I read: “ See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?” As the cross moves a little higher, we read these w ords: “ If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest.” W e are told that the Ethiopian said: “ I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son o f God,” and that Philip baptized him. Boys and girls, you are here to learn Bible truths, not just to have the facts in your head as you do in the day school, but in order that you may find the Bible answers to the questions of the heart. The heart question o f the Ethiopian was answered when Philip “preached unto him Jesus.” The Lord Jesus Christ is the an­ swer to every question—and He is revealed in the Word o f God. There are many individuals who, in spirit­ ual matters, are like such actors. They desire to be credited with a spirituality which they do not possess, and with a fel­ lowship with God which is foreign to them. They receive their reward, for they do awaken the admiration of the crowd, and this lis what they seek. They have no in­ terest in what God thinks o f either them­ selves or their prayers. But the true Chris­ tian must not be a pretender. He is to etire to his chamber, and there in secret he must pour out his heart before his Fa­ ther who sees in secret. He must shut out all distracting noises, all disturbing thoughts, and then give himself to prayer. He thus feels himself shut in with God. There, in,the secret place, he is himself, with all his sins and failures, all his trou­ bles and perplexities, without a mask, standing naked before his God who sees all and rewards all. It is not public but private prayer which is discussed here. 2. In submission to the Father’s will (vs. 7, 8). The Christian must not come before God with vain repetitions.' He does not attempt a method of constant and insistent ham­ mering, such as the heathen use in praying to their gods. To the child o f God, there must be no selfish demanding, like that of a spoiled child who coaxes for his pleas­ ures.

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Object Lesson T h e H eart ’ s Q uestion an d th e B ible ’ s A nswer

Objects: A cardboard heart and a Bible. A large question mark is concealed back of the heart. It should slide in a paper slot in order that it may be pushed up above the

OCTOBER 21, 1934 THE CHRISTIAN A T PRAYER M atthew 6:5-15; E phesians 3: 14-21

Lesson Text: Matt. 6:5-15. Golden Text: “ Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer” (Rom . 12:12). Outline and Exposition P rayer is greatly needed, and yet it is greatly neglected by many Christians. Prayer is much more than a refuge in prayer is revealed throughout the Scrip­ tures, both by precept and example. Such men as Abraham, Elijah, and David, in the Old Testament, and such as Peter, Paul, and even our Lord Himself, in the New Testament, bear witness o f the need o f prayer. The numerous exhortations to prayer also emphasize its importance (Lk. 18:1; Rom. 12:12; 1 Thess. 5:17; Eph. 6: 18; Col. 4 :2 ; etc.). W e should not forget that as God needs human lips through which to speak, He needs also human hearts through which to pray. I. T h e M an n er of P rayer (5-8). 1. In reality, not mere form (vs. 5,6). “When thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are.” The word “ hypocrites” means actors — those who adjust pads, masks, etc., upon themselves, so that they appear to be other than they really are. time o f trouble, or a soothing exercise for frayed nerves. The constant need for

(onmwftw ienl . . . A Christian atmosphere thoroughly in keeping with the surroundings such as has made Bible Institute and Church of the Open Door famous; refinement in living without extravagance; an unusual quietness for a down-town hotel; no major traffic, as “ silent Hope Street” ends at the entrance of the FRANCES E. WILLARD HOTEL and the Public Library, such are the conditions which give distinction to routine life at this hotel. (Frances E.) Willard Hotel is operated as a strictly high class, exclusive hostelry, catering to the Christian public, either transient or resi­ dential. For both men z nd women. Rooms with private bath $25.00 to $35.00 per month; de­ tached bath $15.00 to $22.00. Dailv and weekly rates in proportion.

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