King's Business - 1934-08

September, 1934


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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OCTOBER 9 Missing the Meaning of Suffering "That we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble” (2 Cor. 1 :4). Some of you wonder why you have so much trial, when other Christians have so little. Let me put it in this w ay: Do your own trials and sufferings absorb your whole thought, so that you can think of nothing but your own little sorrow? Or, when you get comfort in your sorrow, do you give yourself up to selfish satisfaction in an enjoyment o f the comfort God gives you? I f so, you have missed the real min­ istry and the real meaning o f your tests and your trials and your sufferings. The real thing is this: You are to hail them, because the comfort you receive will enable you to be a real comfort to some­ body else.—C harles I nwood . OCTOBER 10 God’s Interest Payments “ That I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no’’ (Ex. 16:4). God willed to let His gifts come in a hand-to-mouth fashion, though He could have provided at once what would have obviously lasted them [the children o f Is­ rael] all their wilderness life, in order that they might be habituated to cling to Him, and that their daily bread might be doubly for their nourishment, feeding their bodies, and strengthening that faith which, to them as to us, is the condition o f all bless­ edness. God lets our blessings, too, trickle to us_ drop by drop, instead o f pouring them in a flood all at once upon us, for the same reason. He does so, not because of any good to Him o f our faith, except that the infinite love loves infinitely to be loved; but for our sakes, that we may taste the peace and strength o f continual dependence, and the joy o f continually receiving. He could give us the principal down; but He prefers to pay us the interest, as we need it.—A lexander M aclaren . OCTOBER 11 Reflected Beauty “ To behold the beauty o f the Lord, and to inquire in his temple” (Psa. 27:4). Here is an exclusiveness o f desire that we shall do well to covet. Divided aims tend to weakness and distraction; let us seek, therefore, to be men and women of one pursuit, constantly gazing upon the beauty o f the Lord, and meditating on that beauty. This lifelong persistence is neces­ sary, because we shall only show what we see. Our beauty is a reflected, a borrowed beauty, and, as Paul teaches us, it is by “be­ holding as in a glass the glory o f the Lord,” that we “are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit o f the Lord” (2 Cor. 3:18). I f we behold Him but little, we shall but faintly and im­ perfectly reflect Him. . . . See to it that in nothing you grieve the transfiguring Spirit. —J. G regory M antle . OCTOBER 12 The Meaning of Waiting “My soul, wait thou only upon God” (Psa. 62:5). “They shall not be ashamed that wait for me.” Such is the veritable record o f the living God—a record made good in the ex­ perience o f all those who have been en­ abled, through grace, to exercise a living faith. But then, we must remember how much is involved in these three words, “wait for me.” The waiting must be a real thing. It will not do to say we are waiting on God, when in reality, our eye is askance upon some human prop or creature confi­ dence. W e must be absolutely “ shut up”

to God. W e must be brought to the end of self and to the bottom of circumstance, in order fully to prove what the life of faith is, and what God’s resources are. “My soul, wait thou only upon God.” —Things New and Old. OCTOBER 13 The High Priesthood of Christ “ The law maketh men high priests which have infirmity; but the word of the oath . . . maketh the Son, who is consecrated for evermore” (Heb. 7 :28). Every single blessing, that came to Israel with more or less o f imperfection through the high priest of Aaron’s line, comes to us in absolute perfection through the abiding high priesthood o f the Lord Jesus. “ Con­ secrated for evermore” with an “unchange­ able priesthood,” He never passes on to an­ other His exercise of the office; its bless­ ings must come directly to every one who needs them, or they cannot be obtained at all. Make sure what those blessings are, beware of seeking them through any other than God’s one appointed channel: “ Seeing then that we have a great high priest . . . Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast . . . let us therefore com? boldly . . . let us draw near.”—H ubert B rooke . OCTOBER 14 Unhurried "He that believeth shall not make haste” (Isa. 28:16). It is a truism to observe that we are liv­ ing in an age o f speed. It is inevitable that our Christian life should be exposed to the perils o f the particular age in which we live. . . . It cannot be emphasized too strongly, however, that we must take time to be holy. . . . When we turn aside from the world, with its mad rush and feverish haste, we have to prepare our­ selves for fellowship with Him who knows neither time nor space. W e pass into an entirely new world. Consequently, before we can use the language of heaven, we must b e . delivered from the tyranny of earth.' Before we can enjoy fellowship- with God, we must be set free from the fever o f man.— Life of Faith. OCTOBER 15 God Is Able “ Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee” (Isa. 26:3). The man who trusts in God never is put to confusion. This is God’s world. The church is His. He will care for them. It

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