King's Business - 1934-08


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

September, 1934

c Around the King’s Tabltj B y L ouis T. T albot

and the seven good ears o f corn which appeared in Phar­ aoh’s dream constituted a message from God to the one who would receive it. But why was the same truth pre­ sented under the symbolism o f both kine and corn? Joseph declared: “ And for that the dream was doubled unto Phar­ aoh, it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.” In other words, God is working. Should we not be able to see God’s hand in the providences about us, and to realize that by these means He would speak to discerning hearts ? “ Look out a man discreet and wise, and set him over the l nd of E g yp t . . . . and let him appoint overseers over the land, . . . And let them gather all the food o f these good years that come, and lay up grain . . . for food in the cities,

[Until about October first, the President of the Insti­ tute, Louis T. Talbot, will be in Australia, his native land. In his absence, the portions provided for those who gather “ around the King’s table” have been either personally pre­ pared by or at the direction o f the Vice-President and Dean, Elbert L. McCreery .— E ditor .] A Modem Joseph Needed D rought is getting to be as fashionable among the nations as overproduction was only the other day.” What a startling observation this is—made by an editorial writer in the New York Times (May 30, 1934) ! In the newspapers o f America, such captions as these have be­

come common: “ Grain Odds Seen Lowest Since 1894,” “ Per Capita Production Lowest in History,” “ Biggest Calamity in Corn.” Dis­ cussion o f possible solutions o f this distressing problem fills the col­ umns o f daily journals. Yet, as the Times writer points out: No government can solve the problem. Federal relief is sorely needed all through the cattle and grain country to help the farmers and stockmen who have been ruined by the drought, but only the A l­ mighty can solve the larger problem o f ending the drought in time to save their breeding cattle and next year’s wheat crops. Has there ever been on earth a condition similar to that which pre­ vails in America today? If such perplexity has been faced before, and has been removed, America may well turn to history to learn the secret o f how deliverance came.

and let them keep it” (vs. 33-35). This was Joseph’s counsel to Phar­ aoh, following the interpretation o f his dream. And the king replied: “ Can we find such an one as this, a man in whom the spirit o f God is” (v. 38) ? These are the words o f Pharaoh to his servants after he had heard the divine wisdom at the mouth o f Joseph. Does not this ref­ erence give us a clue to a wisdom which is not o f this earth? Cer­ tainly in such an one “ in whom the spirit o f God is,” the spirit o f wis­ dom will abide, because God is the God o f all wisdom, and when His Spirit is indwelling a human being, there is the impartation o f a divine knowledge which cannot be at­ tained through any other means. When Joseph came into power, he did not destroy the surplus which accumulated in the days of plenty, but he laid it up, that there might be food against the days o f

Courtesy, Los Angeles Times.

As long ago as the time o f Joseph, the question o f threatened famine was rife. The king o f Egypt laid be­ fore Joseph a vexing problem— one which all the wise men (the Brain Trust o f that day) had been unable to.solve— a dream through which God had been speaking to Pharaoh. As Joseph was brought into the monarch’s presence, the king said: “ I have heard say o f thee, that when thou hearest a dream thou canst interpret it.” But Joseph did not pose as a wise man. With the true humility o f a ser­ vant o f God, he declared: “ It is not in m e : God will give Pharaoh an answer in peace” (Gen. 4 1 :16). The answer to the problem was God Himself. And He is the answer to every problem—whether it be personal or national. Is there not a lesson in this passage for peoples o f all nations in these times when difficulties multiply, with which man has no wisdom to cope ? Let us seek God, that He may give an answer o f peace. Notice the expressions: “ What God is about to do he hath declared unto Pharaoh” (v. 25) ; “ what God is about to do he hath showed unto Plraraoh” (v. 28 ). God has a plan. Men may know that plan if they wish to know i t ; a divine revelation has been given. The seven good kine

famine. It is insanely inhuman to destroy— on the plea o f overproduction— that which would sustain starving multi­ tudes. Yet in our own land, in spite o f the fact that thou­ sands are suffering the pangs o f hunger, a wholesale de­ struction o f foodstuffs is ordered. Is this practice according to the wisdom o f God? Or is it according to the folly o f man? The need of the present hour is for “ a man in whom the spirit o f God is.” Joseph was such a man in Pharaoh’s day. Can there be found a modern Joseph, a true leader o f the people, who with humility and fearlessness will turn them to God? Encouraging Word from China O rganizations for “ fellowship on a soundly evangeli­ cal basis” are not numerous these days. But that such groups are far from unpopular may be judged by the fact that one o f the number, the League o f Christian Churches (fo r all China), already has 70,000 members, representing thirty societies.

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