King's Business - 1934-08


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

September, 1934

is for us to do, as far as we can, the things that make for righteousness and peace, and leave the rest to Him. . . . At the time of the Reformation, when things were going very badly for Luther and his followers, Luther’s associate Melancthon was very much depressed. Luther said to' him : “ Philip, last night I went out and looked at the stars, and I was in terror, for I could see nothing to hold them up. And then I thought that God who could keep all those stars hung in space, without any­ thing to hold them up, could easily take care o f you and me.” That is a correct conclusion. . . . God manages all the stars in space. Can any one doubt that He knows how to manage the affairs of men? Be at peace in your mind. He will manage the affairs o f this distracted world and the affairs of His distracted church in such a way that His children will be kept safe, and the truth exalted. — Watchman-Examiner. "Every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things” (1 Cor. 9:25). Men that run for a wager, if they intend to win as well as run, do not encumber themselves, or carry those things about them that may be a hindrance to them in their running. “ Every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things” ; that is, he layeth aside everything that would be anywise a disadvantage to him. As saith the apostle: “ Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us.” It is but a vain thing to talk of going to heaven, if thou let thy heart be en­ cumbered with those things that would hinder. . . . I f thou intendest to win, . . . thou must lay aside every weight; thou must be temperate in all things. — J oh n B u n y a n . OCTOBER 17 Liberty in Christ "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free” (Gal. 5 :1 ). “ There is therefore now no condemna­ tion to them which are in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 8: 1). Freed from the curse of the law by the acceptance o f Him who was made a curse for us, we are brought into the glorious liberty of the sons o f God. Our walk is after the Spirit, because it is by the Spirit that we enjoy the operation of the truth in our hearts; and He is given to us as our Guide, Teacher, and Com­ forter. And the change of heart is evi­ denced in the daily life. T o walk after the Spirit implies conformity to the will o f God, obedience to Christ, and being led by the Spirit. “ For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons o f God.”— J o h n M itchell . OCTOBER 18 Supreme Object of Christian Faith "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ" (T it 2:13). That modern “apostle o f faith,” George Mueller of Bristol, stated sometime before his death in 1898 that he had been stimu­ lated to help on missionary operations through receiving the truth o f the Lord’s imminent return . . . “The moment,” he says, “I saw this truth clearly revealed in the Holy Scriptures, the thought occurred to m e: What can I do to make Him known before His return, seeing He may come soon? Ever since July, 1829, the certainty o f the return of the Lord Jesus has been a stimulus for good to my soul, and espe­ OCTOBER 16 Unencumbered

cially in quickening me to exertion with re­ gard to missionary work.” Again, in an in­ terview with a visiting minister, and giving an explanation of the object which he had in view in traveling so much and preaching so much during his best manhood years, he observed: “As the Lord enables me, I give instruction also about the Bible views of the present dispensation and the end thereof; and strive to lead individual be­ lievers in every church to look for the sec­ ond coming of Christ as the supreme object and hope o f Christian faith.” —The Illustrator. _ OCTOBER 19 Recognizing the Spirit’s Ministry "I will love him, and will manifest myself to him" (John 14:21). I f we wish to sound the depths o f this promise, “ I will manifest myself to him,” we must honor Christ and the Father and the Spirit by believing in the power o f the Spirit. To have faith in Christ and not to have faith in the Spirit seems to be a great contradiction. To know the Father, we must know the Son; to know Christ, we must know the Spirit. “He shall glorify me,” said Christ. Believest thou this ? Our Lord Himself tells us that he that is least in the kingdom o f heaven—the kingdom that He came to establish—was greater than any o f the prophets that had been in the world before His advent. Greater ? Why? Because he is a habitation of God through the Spirit.—G eorge B owen . OCTOBER 20 Every Day “ The inward man is renewed day by day" (2 Cor. 4:16). There is one lesson that all young Chris­ tians should learn—the absolute necessity o f fellowship with Jesus each day. This lesson is not always taught at the begin­ ning o f the Christian life, nor is it always understood by the young convert. . . . Many Christians are unable to stand against the temptations o f the world, or of their old nature. They strive to do their best to fight against sin, and to serve G od; but they have no strength. They have never really grasped the secret: The Lord Jesus will every day from heaven continue His work in me—but on one condition. The soul must give Him time each day to im­ part His love and His grace. Time alone with the Lord Jesus each day is the indis­ pensable condition of growth and power. — A ndrew M urray . OCTOBER 21 Great Is Jehovah! “ The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn o f my salvation, and my high tower” (Psa. 18:2). No one word could suffice for David to tell what God was to him; nor can one word suffice for us. Jehovah is my rock; the foundation shall not wash from under my feet. He is my fortress; no enemy arrows can reach me, except through Him. He is my deliverer; He rescues from sin’s overflowing waves. H e is my God—the One to whom I give the worship o f my heart. He is my strength—mental, physi­ cal, moral, spiritual. He is my buckler— to shield me when He sends me into the enemy’s territory in search of lost sheep. He is the horn o f my salvation— from which cometh the motive power of life. He is my high tower—into which I may climb and live above the roar o f sin. He is all in all to me.—S elected .

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