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Two life savers were recognized at Russell Public School

Lors d’une assemblée surprise lemercredi 5 avril à Russell Public School, l’enseignanteMelindaWright et la directrice de l’école, Mhairi Rowland, ont toutes deux été reconnues par laMunicipalité de Russell pour avoir sauvé Norah, une jeune enfant de trois ans, qui avait cessé de respirer dans son sommeil. Unemédaille spéciale leur a été remise en guise de reconnaissance pour leur réaction rapide du 3 mars dernier. Sur la photo, on retrouve le maire Pierre Leroux, la conseillère et éducatrice Cindy Saucier, les récipiendaires Mhairi Rowland et Melinda Wright tenant son fils Kurtis, accompagnés de Michelle Derouin avec sa fille de trois ans, Norah. —photo Vicky Charbonneau


ognized by Russell Township and presented a medal for having saved a three-year-old girl who had stopped breathing in her sleep. “Four weeks ago, there was an incident here at the school”, announcedMayor Pierre Leroux during the assembly. “There was an emergency and 9-1-1 had to be called be-

cause one of your friends was in a really bad spot.There are two people in particular who did a fantastic job helping save this little girl’s life. So, Township wanted to recognize that.” Two Russell Townshipmedals were pre- sented toMelindaWright andMhairi Row- land. On the back of themedal, one can read “Life Savers, March 3, 2017”. On that day, three-year-old Norah Der- ouin had a seizure caused by fever. Both ladies responded quickly and made sure she was sent to hospital. Within minutes, parents were reached and informed. As required, all Kindercare teachers get qualified for CPR, First Aid and Epipen each year. “The training paid off,” declared coun- cilor and Kindercare School Age Educator Cindy Saucier. “These two women reacted

calmly and efficiently and got her safely to the hospital. She was having some dif- ficulty breathing and she bounced back very quickly like all children do.” During his term, Mayor Pierre Leroux has only presented a few of thesemedals, either for inspiration or selflessness. As a former volunteer firefighter for a number of years, he was himself put in a lot of emergency situations. “When I got onto council with my fellow council members, we said that if we hear about extraordinary people in extraordinary situations, we should reflect that. When councilor Saucier approached me with this story, we both agreed that it was something extraordinary we had to recognize.”

During a surprise assembly onWednesday April 5, at Russell Public School, Kinder- care teacher Melinda Wright and school Principal Mhairi Rowland were both rec-

ET SES INVITÉS Marie - Chantal Toupin

On s’active… pour le Salon de la Femme !

Boom Desjardins

Marie-Hélène Thibert

SAMEDI 13 MAI 2017  20H

Les billets sont en vente aux endroits suivants; Complexe sportif Robert Hartley, Hawkesbury Banque Scotia ; les succursales de Hawkesbury, Casselman, Vankleek Hill et Rockland BDO ; Hawkesbury, Rockland et Embrun Caisses populaires ; Hawkesbury, St-Isidore et Alfred COMPLEXE SPORTIF ROBERT HARTLEY HAWKESBURY BILLET 40$

BILLET 150$ Réservez tôt, places limitées FORFAIT VIP Cocktail, souper gastronomique + spectacle + siège réservé + rencontre avec les artistes

Une trentaine de personnes s’étaient passé le mot pour joindre l’atelier Zumba avec Caroline, le lundi 10 avril au gymnase de l’école Rivière-Castor d’Embrun. Cet évènement se voulait une collecte de fonds pour le prochain Salon de la Femme – auquel, d’ailleurs, prendra part Caroline Rail - qui se tiendra le samedi 22 avril au centre récréatif d’Embrun, de 10 h à 16 h. Rappelons que le but du Salon est d’offrir l’occasion aux femmes de découvrir plusieurs entreprises dans la région et d’amasser des fonds pour soutenir la recherche pour le cancer du sein. —photo Vicky Charbonneau

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