Guild Member Salon Show 2021

Heidi Huck

Guild Member Salon Show

“Late Summer Beach Walk,” Oil, 9 x 12 in, NFS. I was attracted to the family groupings and the warm color palette in this scene. The early September light warms the figures along the beach. Early autumnal color is just perceptible in the surrounding trees. The father in the foreground has purchased this painting.

Heidi V. Huck ABOUT: Painting is the filter through which I interpret and convey my sense of the world. For me, the process is inherently centering. It is a source of continual renewal and growth. When I create, my focus is heightened. My intentions are clear. I am present in the moment. Time loses relevancy and the work flows. THIS YEAR: Realizing the depth of support Michigan maintains for the arts was the favorite thing I learned this year. I am both grateful and proud of the importance of the arts held by our community. CONTACT: Website, Newsletter, Instagram.

“Shore Roots,” Oil, 2020, 28 x 22 in, NFS. This depicts the Lake Michigan shoreline near my home. Shore Roots has a dual meaning. First, literally, the roots from the trees and underbrush run through the beach to the shore. They stabilize the dune and secure nutrients for their growth. Second, Shore Roots symbolizes my family’s connection to Lake Michigan, a deep relationship that spans generations. This piece was sold to a family with similar connections.



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