Guild Member Salon Show 2021

Sherry McNamara

Guild Member Salon Show

“Shared Values,” Acrylic on canvas, 2021, 24 x 24 in, $850. During this tumultuous year, Covid and the various opinions on isolation, social distancing, and mask-wearing, combined with political upheaval, and protesting over all sorts of issues, caused me to try to find the things that bind us together, rather than the things that tear us apart. I realized that we can have differing opinions, but if we have shared values, then we can relate on one of the more important levels.

Sherry McNamara ABOUT: We have been looking at people’s faces since the day we were born. We have learned to recognize anguish, joy, sorrow, reflection, befuddlement. My goal is to capture a fleeting moment on the face of my subject. It matters more that the viewer can distinguish that emotion, relate to it, embrace it, and ponder it, than me recreating a photographic image of the face. Color plays a leading role; it evokes its own subliminal message to the viewer. Expression and color convey individual things to individual viewers, and I enjoy hearing their interpretation of the painting. It is often as much, or more telling, about the relationship between the artwork and the viewer and is the final piece that makes a painting complete. GALLERIES : Bella Galleria, Traverse City, MI THIS YEAR: This year, while a challenge, has allowed me to work intensely without interruptions and commitments outside of my studio. That was unexpected for sure, but was a bright spot in a very sad year. CONTACT: Website, (231) 313-2769. Studio tours available by appointment.

“Angelus Graveris (Reluctant Angel) #1,” Acrylic on watercolor paper, 2021, framed 18.75 x 22.75 in, $775. Covid created a difficult year for many people. “Angelus Graveris” is a representation of the reluctant angels who are first responders working harder and longer than they ever had in their entire careers. It is the first in an annual series of angels.



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