Donor Spotlights • Partners
On September 14, 2021, MADD, Anheuser-Busch and Uber launched a groundbreaking first-of-its-kind coalition aimed at bringing an end to drunk driving. The coalition kicked off with its inaugural campaign – Decide to Ride, a new initiative focused on changing consumer behavior to prevent drunk driving. The coalition delivers a lifesaving message directly to consumers where they purchase and drink alcohol – if you drink, don’t drive, Decide to Ride. Anheuser-Busch mobilized its network of 450+ wholesalers to display Decide to Ride advertising nationwide. Uber’s regional discounts for riders incentivizes consumers to leave their cars at home because you can’t drive drunk if you don’t drive there. The campaign debuted in-stadium and in broadcast at regular season NFL games, tapping into Anheuser-Busch’s extensive network of professional sports leagues and team partners to amplify the coalition’s message. Decide to Ride • MADD, Anheuser-Busch, Uber
View the "Decide To Ride" PSA video
Annual Report • 2021
Mothers Against Drunk Driving ®
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