King's Business - 1950-05

With Whom Should We Date? 1 Cor. 15:33 In one of our large schools a cam­ paign is conducted each year to elect as queen the girl who has the greatest sex appeal. Each year her picture is pub­ lished and her name is advertised so this particular trait of character is ex­ alted. The result is that this one is flooded with requests for dates. We should date those who will help us to be more godly, more upright, and more holy. We should date those with whom we have happy fellowship in a godlv way. When Should We Date? Psa. 31:15 Dating should be arranged for those occasions when the heart and the mine need relaxation and refreshment. The meeting o f minds in godly matters is usually restful and helpful. God has made men and women to need one an­ other. Their times of fellowship should be arranged on occasions when blessing will be brought to each one. There are pleasures which are legitimate and sports which are restful and attractive. here are subjects of conversation which a£e ,1? t,eresting and profitable. Dating be on occasions when temptation 11 be the least and blessing will be the uppermost. Dating should not be permitted to interfere with growth in grace. Why Do We Date? Col. 3:17 The heart craves affection. There are those who have no interest in the oppo­ site sex but they are in the minority They satisfy their desires through sports, education, travel, music, etc. There are others, however, that feel the need of the sweet association and gra­ cious fellowship of the opposite sex. hey seek those whose hearts respond to theirs. This is as it should be. God has ordained that man should not dwell alone. The secret o f blessing is in finding one who is a real helpmeet for him. Where Should We Date? Eph. 5:15,16 The place of dating will have a great deal to do with the character of dating. Dating should be arranged in those places where it will be easy to be godly and Christ-like. Places of sin and of worldliness should be avoided. The pic ture show is the breeding place fo Satan’s evil programs. The dark room lewd pictures, the worldly audience an not conducive to a holy relationship Christians should follow after the thing; that make for godliness, cleanliness, an< purity and this cannot be done in place: where sin reigns and Christ is unknown dates where it will be easy to b( godly in behavior. June 18, 1950 WHAT PRICE GAMBLING? Mark 10:17-22; 1 Ki. 3:5-12; 1 John 3:2-5 What price gambling? The gambler seeks gain through another’s loss. In gambling there is no exchange of values MA Y , 1 9 5 0

whatever. There is no constructive progress. There is no friendship in the program. He uses his wit and wisdom to take away from others that which they have. Gambling damages the soul and removes the desire for legitimate work. Gambling wrecks the sense of right and wrong. It encourages other evils such as embezzlement, stealing, and illicit enterprise.

God’s Edict on Gambling 2 Thess. 3:10

The man that will not work should not be permitted to eat, according to God’s revealed will. The gambler is notoriously a loafer. He has lost his taste for legitimate enterprise. He has lost his desire to buy and sell to get gain. He has no intention of assisting others to obtain a living or a profit.

Beautiful pictures illustrating the eight miracles in the Gospel of John—each one original—by one of the leading Bible artists in the nation. (Bl) Our Lord’s first m iracle, The M arriage in Cana o f Galilee. John 2. (B2) Our Lord heals the N oblem an’ s Son. John 4. (B3) Jesus heals the im potent m an. John 5. (B4) Jesus, the>bread o f life, feeds 5000. John 6. (B5) Jesus walks upon the sea, saves Peter, calm s troubled waters. John 6 and M atthew 14. (B6) Jesus, the light o f the world, gives sight to a blind m an. John 9. (B7) Jesus, the resurrection and the life, raises Lazarus from the grave. John 11. iB8) 1*1® rls®n Christ, gives disciples a haul o f fishes. John 21.



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