King's Business - 1950-05

ship, unquestioned orthodoxy, and great usefulness to the church of Christ in leading sinners to the Saviour. More might be said upon this subject, but suffice it to say that millions of Scofield Reference Bibles have been scattered over the earth; and will yet be used to the blessing of multitudes. If I were you, I should use it. God will bless you in such a study of His Word. Please explain John 8 :3b, 35: “ Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever com- mitteth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.” What did the Lord mean when He said, “ The servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever” ? If you will read this passage in the Revised Version, you will note that the word “ son” in the last clause is written with a small letter, and does net refer to Christ the Son. It refers to a child of God, who is a “ son of God.” The Lord Jesus means that a servant of sin is not to abide forever; “ but the son abideth ever.” The contrast here is in the fact that servitude is temporal, but sonship is eternal; that servitude is not forever; that even though a man is a servant of sin, that position of servi­ tude can be changed, and that is a blessed thing. Jesus said, “ Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.” But that position of servitude can be changed; “ the servant abideth not in the house for ever.” That is, a man can change masters, but he cannot change fathers. If you are born a child of God, you are born once and forever. God is your Father; and you never can be anything else but a child of God. If you are a servant of sin, you can change that position. You can be taken out of that servitude to sin, and be made a child of God. If accomplished, then it is “ forever.” How could the disciples do greater works than Christ, as He said in John H :12? The disciples were to do greater works than Christ because the Holy Spirit, whom Christ said He would send, was not to be confined by a body to one place. He could so energize believers everywhere that the gospel could spread far more rapidly and more widely than when proclaimed individually by the Lord Himself, and supported by His mighty works. This power was not in the disciples, but in the promised Com­ forter. The first fulfillment of th's promise is seen in Acts 2, in the mighty power that accompanied Peter’s preach­ ing. Someone has suggested that soul­ winning is the greatest work in all the world, greater even than feeding the multitudes and healing the sick . . . James closes his epistle with these sig­ nificant words: “ He which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.” T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Dr. L. T. Talbot

the Lord” (Gen. 4 :1 6 ); and having turned his back upon God, he and his descendants built a godless civiliza­ tion, which became so corrupt that it had to be wiped out in the flood. My pastor says that the doctrine of the premillennial coming of Christ to the earth is dangerous and. fanatical. He told his people not to use the Scofield Reference Bible for this reason. Your pastor may be orthodox, funda­ mental, and true to the Word of God in other doctrines; if so, he is a real Christian. But my advice to you would be to “ search the scriptures” for your­ self. They speak for themselves; and no doctrine is more emphasized in the New Testament than is this one of our Lord’s return to set up His own king­ dom; yes, and in the Old Testament prophecies, as well, concerning His promises to Israel. It is to be regretted that many of the false cults have incorporated some of this truth in their creeds; but every time, you will note, they have perverted this precious truth. Should their error rob us of our “ blessed hope” ? Assuredly not. Satan is ever alert. He takes Scripture and perverts it, seeking to bring to naught any great work of God. And this is definitely true concerning the doctrine of our Lord’s return. As for the Scofield Reference Bible, it has been used of God to bless multi­ tudes; and it will continue to be used by Him, critics to the contrary. Attacks on this edition of the King James Ver­ sion have been let loose, but no good can come of them. In the first place, the ministers who are opposing it have made statements that are untrue, pos­ sibly having gone on hearsay. They have maintained that Dr. Scofield was not qualified to perform his task. They fail to acknowledge that, even before his conversion, he was a brilliant lawyer, a man of scholarship. They fail to state that he sat at the feet of one of the greatest theologians of any day, the late Rev. James H. Brookes, D.D., of St. Louis, Mo. They are either willfully or ignorantly overlooking the fact that the consulting editors of this edition of the Bible, whose names appear on the open­ ing pages, are men of profound scholar­

Please explain Ephesians b:26, “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath.” There is such a thing as righteous indignation, and this is what the in­ spired writer had in mind. When we see an injustice done or a sin com­ mitted against God and man, it would be a sin not to be angry. The Lord Jesus was righteously indignant when the money changers made His “ Father’s house a den of thieves.” When we are angry because of personal wrongs, we sin and dishonor God. These we should accept as opportunities of showing to the world that Christ is real, and that He enables us to live joyously and victori­ ously over personal injustice. However, we must guard against all malice and hatred and display of temper, which is anger. These surely are not becoming in a Christian. We often read in the Bible of how people were “ troubled” at the appearance of angels. Was this because the angels were holy, and in their presence man was conscious of his sinfulness? Undoubtedly. And the very fact that the appearances were supernatural also greatly troubled those to whom the holy angels appeared. However, when we get to Heaven, the sight o f all the myriads of angels and of the archangels will not trouble us; for Heaven will be “ home.” Home is ,the place where there is no embarrassment and no strangeness. One of the most beautiful descriptions of Heaven is found in the word “ home.” We shall not be troubled there. We shall rejoice to look upon the sinless Son of God, unafraid in His presence, because we are washed in His precious blood. Was Cain ever saved? There is nothing in all the Bible to indicate that Cain was ever saved; whereas there is everything to imply that he died a lost soul. In the first place, he tried to offer to God a blood­ less sacrifice, the works of his own hands— and this in open rebellion against God. In the second place, we read that “ Cain went out from the presence of Page Four

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