King's Business - 1950-05

“ Come Ye Apart and Rest Awhile” T HESE words fell from the lips of our Lord in the midst of His exceed­ ingly busy years. Because the Lord was full of compassion, He was constantly beset by those who desired His help and so, lest His disciples should grow weary beyond measure He took them to a desert place for what might have been called a spiritual conference vacation. One of the heartening spiritual signs of our present day is the Bible Confer­ ence movement. Started by Bible-be- lieving Christians, it is almost wholly supported by those who love the Lord and desire a greater acquaintance with Him. To this end, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles also sponsors a summer conference program inviting folks along the Pacific Coast to plan a vacation with a purpose, a spiritual advance with a time of physical recreation. This year there will be five Biola- sponsored conferences. The first is to be held July 8-14 at beautiful Hume Lake high up in the Sierra Nevada moun­ tains near General Grant National Park. This conference is for young people and will be led by the Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland. The second will be a Biola General Conference to be held at Pacific Pali­ sades Conference Grounds near Santa Monica in Southern California, August 5-9. Dr. Talbot will be showing pictures of his round-the-world trip at the eve­ ning services. The third and fourth conferences will be held at beautiful Mount Hermon in the tall redwood tree country near San­ ta Cruz, California. The dates are Au­ gust 13-20. Two conferences will be held simultaneously, a Young Peoples’ Con­ ference directed by Rev. Lowell Wendt with high school and college young peo­ ple invited. The other will be a general conference with Dr. Talbot, Dr. McGee and Dr. Feinberg as speakers. The last conference will be held August 20-27 at Covenant Beach on Puget Sound half way between Seattle and Tacoma. The speakers will include Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Rev. Chester Padgett and Dr. William W. Orr. All the conferences, with the exception of that at Hume Lake, will be privileged to see the beautiful colored motion pic­ tures obtained by Dr. Talbot on his re­ cent round-the-world trip. Further information on any of these conferences may be obtained by writing Dr. William W. Orr, Extension Dept., Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17. Dr. Talbot Goes North I MMEDIATELY following the Easter season, Dr. Louis T. Talbot, President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, will begin a series of Missionary Bible Conferences in the Pacific Coast cities between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Dr. Talbot will be accepting a number of invitations to speak and to show his M A Y , 1 9 5 0

with the One who has come for the express purpose of making that life successful? How many Christians go through life leading a defeated, despair­ ing and fruitless existence merely be­ cause they do not know the secret of success which is a day by day surrender to the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit of God? Let us allow these chap­ ters to be parables of wisdom to every heart that desires to be approved of God. Science’s Sacred Cow I N two of America’s largest weeklies there recently appeared a review of a new book entitled, “ Science is a Sacred Cow” by Anthony Standen. Dr. Standen is himself a scientist o f high standing, being a chemist of the first rank in St. John’s College in Annapolis, Mary­ land, who edits a scholarly chemical en­ cyclopedia at Brooklyn’s Polytechnic In­ stitute. We must confess that we read the review with not a little satisfaction which has been slightly on the malici­ ous side. It has long been overdue for someone to stand to his feet and say the things that Scientist Standen has said. For years anyone who has labeled him­ self a scientist has been considered far above the rank and file of ordinary men, and when the dictum has been propounded “that all scientists agree” no mortal on this sphere dared lift his voice against it. Now comes a man who declares that scientists are overbearing, over-praised, and over-indulged. While individually the scientists are naturally pleasant and even modest, still they are so infatuated with their own scientific minds that they seem to think they are entitled to pass judgment on everything from their very lofty height. The con­ sequences of such unquestioned venera­ tion has been that laymen have come to believe that science is a cure-all for mankind, infallible and above criticism. This, says Scientist Standen, is a great delusion. It would be a splendid plan for spiri­ tual leaders to take heart by reading the aforementioned book, especially in order that we might understand that the truth propounded is sometimes not truth at all but merely a body of well- supported opinion, the veracity of which may be exploded at any time. Over against the science of the day, majestic, alone, stand the Holy Scrip- Page Five

round-the-world trip pictures. Cities which will be included in this itinerary are: Santa Barbara, Bakersfield, Kings- burg, Modesto, Turlock, San Luis Obis­ po, Paso Robles, Monterey, Santa Cruz, Watsonville, San Mateo, San Jose. Later on in the summer, Dr. Talbot will be visiting the Bay Area cities, in­ cluding Sacramento, and also Reno, Nevada. Present plans call for him to be speaking in Oregon during the month of September and in Washington during October. It’s The Spirit Which Spells Success T HERE are many Bible teachers who have understood the despair that is. expressed in the seventh chapter of the book of Romans. Very clearly this chap­ ter demonstrates the apparent hopeless­ ness of the conflict of the two natures. The Christian is seen to be one engaged in a fruitless warfare which, even after the battle, causes him to cry out, “ O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” But it is thrilling to get into the eighth chapter of Romans, and there to be taken from that place of hopelessness on to the very heights of victory, with God Himself declaring that He fully justifies every believer in His Son. These two chapters are so different even though they are placed next to each other on the pages of Scripture. It is interesting to note that the words “ I” , “me” , “myself” , occur 47 times in chapter 7, but only three times in chap­ ter 8. On the other hand, the words, “ we” , “ us” , and “ our” , occur 41 times in chapter 8. The name of the Holy Spirit is found only once in the first seven chapters of Romans, while the eighth chapter is literally filled to ca­ pacity with references to Him and His work. Herein then is the difference be­ tween despair and victory. Here is the secret of a Christian’s success. It is our union with One in­ finitely holy and immeasurably strong. It is our yieldedness to One who is in­ comparably wise and who loves us with a compassionate, enduring love. Success or failure in the Christian life is to be determined by the Christian’s adjust­ ment to the Holy Spirit of God. Is this not a quest that every Christian should make? Should not his first desire be to bring his life into the right relationship

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