Appendix 1
♺ Remix allowed ?
$ Exploitation allowed ?
CC License
Sharing allowed ?
• • • • • • • •
You must give CREDIT to the original work’s creator. Commercial usage of the work is allowed.
You can remix the work.
Sharing is (always) allowed for commercial and non-commercial purpose.
Share Alike
You must give CREDIT to the original work’s creator. Commercial usage of the work is allowed.
You can remix the work.
If you remix this work, you're forced to use exactly the same license for your derivative version of this work. Sharing is (always) allowed for commercial and non-commercial purpose. You must give CREDIT to the original work’s creator. Commercial usage of the work is allowed. You CANNOT remix the work. Sharing is (always) allowed for commercial and non-commercial purpose. You must give CREDIT to the original work’s creator. Commercial usage of the work is NOT allowed.
No Derivative
• • • • • • • •
Non- Commercial
You can remix the work.
If you remix this work, you're forced to use exactly the same license for your derivative version of this work. Sharing is allowed for non-commercial purpose only. You must give CREDIT to the original work’s creator. Commercial usage of the work is NOT allowed.
Non- Commercial Share Alike
• • • •
You can remix the work.
If you remix this work, you're forced to use exactly the same license for your derivative version of this work. Sharing is allowed for non-commercial purpose only. You must give CREDIT to the original work’s creator. Commercial usage of the work is NOT allowed.
Non- Commercial No Derivative
• • • •
You CANNOT remix the work.
Sharing is allowed for non-commercial purpose only.
Chart by Guillaume Déziel – CC-BY-NC-SA
Hagerstown Community College Open Educational Resources Guidebook
Page 9
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