PUBLISHER Eddie Wilson
Change is a Good Thing
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Carole VanSickle Ellis SALES MANAGER Rodney Halford 816-398-4111 x86122 NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Teresa Stanton 816-398-4111 x86224 CONTENT DIRECTOR Abby Tillman FULFILLMENT COORDINATOR Blair Pierce DESIGN CONSULTANTS Rivet |
hen dragonflies metamorphose from their aquatic “nymph”
emerging from the wreckage of a blighted property or the ruin of neglect. It’s kind of like a butterfly, which is probably the insect meta- morphosis comparison with which most of us are most familiar. I didn’t pick the classic caterpillar-to-butterfly transformation, however. Instead, I went
stage to full-fledged adulthood, the process is painful to watch. First, the teenage dragonfly hauls itself out of the water and painfully drags its body, which is meant for swimming, not walking, to higher ground. Then, the fully grown dragonfly slowly and painfully rips its way out of its own skin, revealing that it was literally bent in half inside the small nymph body. It’s amazing to see, and painful to watch. Remind you of anything? You nailed it: It’s a little like real estate. How’d you guess? Is it remembering the first time you took a house all the way down to the studs? Most inves- tors recall this transformational experience fondly, but they also tend to add it was a lot harder than they expected. Was it your recollection of the housing bust in the mid-2000s? Fortunes were made in the aftermath, but no one enjoyed seeing the financial devastation and foreclosure fallout that accompanied that incredi- ble real estate opportunity. Did you feel a shiver, thinking about how hous- ing is changing again? While most investors admit no boom can last forever, many are uncertain about how changing market conditions will affect their businesses, par- ticularly if those real estate businesses are younger than a decade. In real estate, transformation is frequently beautiful. Think of the perfectly flipped house,
with an insect that really showcases the struggle that comes with all positive growth and, by exten- sion, eventual flight. That’s because in some ways, this market shift could create a struggle for some investors. The work will be worth it, though, if like the dragonfly nymph coming ashore, internally you are fully prepared to fly. Around the country, the currents that govern our housing markets are shifting. While it’s unlike- ly we will experience a “bust” like the last one, it is highly probable we are about to see some correc- tions. Markets that seemed unable to slow their skyward momentum will level and, in some cases, even dip. Markets that lagged in recovery may find themselves relatively more attractive in the coming months. It is likely nearly all markets will experi- ence some “adjustments” as foreclosure volumes rise naturally (probably not catastrophically) and appraisals begin occasionally coming in a bit lower than property owners planned. Whether you have seen seven market cycles or less than half of one, be assured: Change is coming in housing. Additionally, be assured of this: The real estate investing sector thrives on change. So will you, and Think Realty is here to support you every step of the journey out of the waves, onto the beach, and into the sky. •
DESIGNER Emily Bowers
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Daniela Andreevska, Jeremy Brutus, Jennifer Jo Cobb, Anita Corsini, Paul Fiorilla, Samuel K. Freshman, "Libby Landlord", Brad McDaniel, W.J. Mencarow, Tom Olson,
Greg Rand, BreAnn Stephenson, Andrew Syrios and Ingo Winzer.
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