Brown & Bomi Photography
• Council tax bill dated no more than one year prior to the date of the appointment. • Mortgage statement from the last 12 months. • Current residential tenancy agreement. • Valid UK or Irish driving licence in the name of the person giving notice. • Letter from the owner or proprietor of the address which is the person’s place of residence; proof will be required that the person is the tenant or householder e.g. current tenancy agreement/mortgage statement. This letter must include: • the name, address, date and signature of the owner / proprietor; • confirmation that this person is the owner / proprietor; and • confirmation of the name of the person giving notice and that they have been resident at the address for at least the eight days immediately prior to the notice appointment.
• These should be the original version with the court stamp. • If your decree absolute is a digital version with a black stamp, you will need to print this document to bring along to your appointment. • We cannot accept PDF scanned versions of your decree absolute. • If your divorce was granted outside England and Wales , we will need to see the final divorce documents issued along with a full translation into English if the document was written in any other language. • A fee is chargeable for clearance of any divorces granted in countries outside England and Wales. Please note, these may have to be referred to the General Register Office for the Registrar General to confirm whether the document is acceptable under British law. It is not possible to issue the legal documents for your ceremony to proceed until your foreign documents have been approved. Please do take this into account when considering a marriage or formation date as there may be a significant delay before a ceremony can take place. • The death certificate of the spouse / civil partner – if the surviving partner is not mentioned on the death certificate then you must also provide a certified copy of the marriage or civil partnership certificate. • The presumed death certificate of the spouse.
Evidence of your age: Please bring one of the following: • A valid passport • British birth certificate • Valid Biometric Immigration Document
If none of the above are available, please contact the General Register Office on 0300 123 1837 for guidance.
Evidence of any name changes: Evidence of any name change (marriage certificate; deed poll etc). Evidence of previous legal relationships: If you have been married or in a civil partnership before, we will need to see: • Decree absolute or final order or dissolution order
If some of your documents are not in English If any of your documents are in any language other than English, you will need to bring the original document plus a full translation, into English, certified at the bottom of the document by the translator stating “I certify this to be a true translation of the document”. The name, address, telephone number and signature of the person who translated the document(s) must be included.
Your ceremony in Hertfordshire
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