RecoveryPT_Helping Aches & Pains



EXERC I SE ESSENT I ALS Sleeper Stretch Start by lying on your side with the affected arm on the bottom. Your affected arm should be bent at the elbow and forearm pointed up- wards towards the ceiling as shown. Next, use your unaffected arm to gently draw your affected forearm towards the table or bed.

Headaches, Neck, and Face Pain? A temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a common problem affecting up to 33% of individuals within their lifetime but is often overlooked. It includes a wide range of diagnosis from degenerative and systemic disorders like arthritis to pain secondary to disc dislocation with or without reductions. Pain around the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) on one or both the sides during function or at rest is themost common reason patients seek treatment. Other symptoms associatedwith TMJ dysfunction include headache, facial pain,chronic neck pain, pain in and around either or both ears, pain while chewing, pain or inability to open jaw, painful clicking or grating sounds when chewing, speaking or yawning, change of bite or jaw movement,unexplained change in occlusion, stuffy ears or ringing in the ears. Physical Therapy interventions include manual therapy to facilitate tissue flexibility and joint mobility. This includes manual therapy for the TMJ and cranium, cervical and rib cage based on the assessment. Neuromuscular Re-education to improve control and stability of the jaw and the neck muscles. Mobility and strengthening exercises for the cervical spine and the rib cage to improve positioning, posture, movement and breathing dynamics. Treatment also includes ergonomic advice, lifestyle and habit modifications . If your TMD is caused by teeth alignment problems, in addition to physical therapy, a consult to a dentist who specializes in TMD will be helpful. They can correct the alignment with special appliances, such as “bite guards” that create a natural resting position to relax the TMJ, relieve pain, and improve jaw function. Our PT will refer you to one if they deem it necessary.

Four Point + Arm Raise

Helps With Tightness In The Neck And Shoulders Start on hands and knees, hips and shoulders at 90°. Lift one arm out front. Bring it back down and then repeat on opposite side. 8-10 times on both arms.

Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

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Schedule your appointment today by calling (917) 763-7825 or visiting


DIRECT ACCESS WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Physical Therapy is Easier to Get Than You Think! • A physician referral • Therapy may begin

3. TEMPERATURE. Your body temperature naturally decreases as a way to initiate sleep, so keeping a cooler bedroom can help facilitate your slumber. According to The National Sleep Foundation, the optimum bedroom temperature for a good night’s sleep should be between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit. 4. MATTRESS. According to Tuck Sleep, mattresses with mid-level firmness ratings (4-6 out of 10) tend to help the most with alleviating pain, as they provide a balance between comfort and support. Mattresses that are too soft or too firm can actually increase pain levels during sleep, as they can create more pressure and target certain pain points.

1. NOISE. If you experience sleep sensitivity, it is important to make sure that any unexpected noises are limited in your bedroom. Sleeping with a white noise machine or fan can help eliminate any additional environmental noises that may wake you up in the middle of the night. 2. LIGHT. If your room lets in excessive amounts of light in the morning, it may be beneficial to invest in some blackout curtains. Keeping your room dark will help you stay asleep through the night, even as the sun is rising. It is a great way to gain as much sleep as you can before your alarm goes off in the morning.

with a full evaluation by a licensed physical therapist • Patients sent by their physician can choose where they want to receive therapy

no longer needed, whether you want a check-up, suffered a recent injury, or if you want to improve your overall health and wellness

Don’t let your pain hold you back. Call us today at (917) 763-7825 or visit our website at

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