BIFAlink April 2023

News Desk


Recruitment success stories

Annual General Meeting notice Notice is hereby given that the 34th Annual General Meeting of the British International Freight Association (BIFA) will be held on Thursday 25 May 2023 (venue and time to be advised) in order to: 1. Receive the report of the board of directors. 2. Receive the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2022 and the Report of the Auditors thereon. 3. Appoint auditors and authorise the board to fix their remuneration. 4. In accordance with the Association’s articles, to note and approve the election of officers of the Association. 5. Transact any other business which may properly be transacted at an Annual General Meeting. Steve Parker, Director General 31 March 2023 A BIFA Member may nominate an attendee although there will be a limit on numbers once a quorum is achieved. Please email Note: Any Member entitled to vote at the above meeting may appoint a proxy to vote on a poll in his or her stead. A proxy need not be a Member of the Association. A form of proxy is available to download from the BIFA website

BIFA is pleased to report on two Member recruitment success stories, proving that a little initiative and planning will reap dividends

Ital Logistics proves school engagement works

When BIFA Member Ital Logistics wanted to recruit two apprentices, it reached out to BIFA for advice. James Mears, development director, Ital Logistics, said: “BIFA encouraged us to get in touch with our local school and gave advice on the best approach. We attended careers events which enabled us to promote our business to the local community and as a result Tilly and Valerie joined our company in July 2022. Unfortunately for us, Valerie decided to return to full time education studying accountancy, but the Ital door is always open for her. “Tilly is working within our Iberian export team, completing daily tasks from quotes, dealing with customers, shipment processing, Customs work and arranging domestic collections. I am extremely proud of Tilly’s development and progress so far. “Ital Logistics will be back to school during April looking for one, maybe two, new apprentices for our Italian export service.” Scan the QR code for ideas and advice on reaching out to schools.

Left to Right: Mr Burnham (head teacher), Miss Tobin (head of year 11), Valerie (apprentice), Tilly (apprentice), James Mears (development director) and Corey Chambers (French/Germany route manager) – Young Freight Forwarder of the year finalist 2021.

First for Freight Development Pathway initiative KTL (Europe) Ltd has become the first company to employ a candidate that has completed the Freight Development Pathway (FDP), a programme launched at the end of 2022 by BIFA in partnership with Manpower. Louie Turner, who has been employed as trainee Customs operator within KTL (Europe) Ltd Customs department, said: “The FDP was a perfect fit for me. The group sessions were informative, and the individual learning, which could be done in my own time, suited me. I am already seeing some of the freight industry terminology I learned during the introductory freight and Customs training course.” Myles Daly, managing director of KTL (Europe) Ltd, added: “I joined one of the FDP introductory sessions that are being run by BIFA

and Manpower, and thought this is a great way to attract new talent that will have a basic understanding of the freight industry.”

Mat Beecham, operations manager, Manpower Freight

Development Pathway, said: “It is fantastic that Louie has become the first candidate of the FDP to secure employment in the freight industry. We got involved in this programme to help alleviate the talent shortage and support more people into work; in many ways, Louie is a perfect example of why BIFA and Manpower set up this new initiative. It is also really pleasing to hear how KTL (Europe) Ltd has also embraced the FDP as a route to secure new entry-level talent.” To learn more about the FDP initiative, join one of

our information events. Scan the QR code for future dates.

The Limits of Liability for Carriers

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(The SDR rate on 17 March 2023,

By air – Montreal Convention (22 SDR): £24.20 per kg

according to the IMF website, was 1.10016)

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April 2023


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