How Are You Detoxing This Spring?
Love Your Liver!
S pring is all about the liver and the gallbladder in Chinese medicine, which makes this time of year an excellent time to hit the reset button. While a spring detox might call to mind one thing for many of our patients — weight
In traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is responsible for storing blood and keeping blood and oxygen circulation moving throughout the body. The liver also takes care of our eyes, nails, tendons, and upper back and neck areas. When it’s out of balance, you will see more headaches, frustration, stress, insomnia (Waking up at 1–3 a.m.? That’s liver time!), pain, and tension in the body. There are many ways to support your liver, and one is this quick booster drink to get you started. Morning Booster Drink
loss — detoxification can be a powerful tool in addressing a range of problems, including insomnia, inflammation, and persistent headaches.
There are several mechanisms people can use to detoxify in the spring, and at the Dova Center, we offer free consultations to anybody who is interested in doing a spring detox. If weight loss is your goal, we will talk with you during your consultation about the underlying cause of your extra weight and look at the problem from a whole lifestyle perspective. Once we’ve identified the root cause, we’ll develop a treatment plan targeting that root cause. At its most basic, a detox or cleanse might involve supportive shakes, supplements, and recommended healthy nutrition for one week (though this can last up to 28 days). Our focus is on healthy eating, not engaging in a starvation diet. Depending on your specific situation, we might also recommend acupuncture treatments focused on gastrointestinal
1 whole organic lemon (including peel and seeds), quartered
1 tbsp extra virgin-olive oil
1 cup water
health or using our infrared sauna to help you sweat out toxins and invigorate your metabolism. Finally, many of our patients who seek to lose weight benefit from B-12 shots, which we recommend only in combination with healthy exercise and diet routines.
1. Put the ingredients in a blender and blend on high for 1 or 2 minutes. 2. This drink is quite refreshing, and if you are adventurous, you can even add a dash or two of cayenne pepper before blending. The olive oil activates the liver and supports bile flow; the lemon peel and pulp support the liver and lymphatic system, emulsify fats, and alkalinize the body; and the lemon juice helps normalize body pH and is a mild laxative.
There are different levels of detoxes and cleansing, and the right level for you is best determined with professional guidance. Schedule a free consultation to find out more.
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