King's Business - 1960-07

cinating and instructive lines of study that the student can pursue. Anyone familiar with the Biblical use of names will recognize that they have significance and meaning far beyond that which we use today. The author of this book is not well known, but was the author of Evenings W ith John Bunyan. He has brought together here 280 titles and names of Christ, togeth­ er with other symbols used of Him. The arrangement is alphabetical and there is a classified list and a general index in the back of the book. There is a good deal of illustrative material and literary allusion as well as devo­ tional exposition, viii, 486 pages; cloth; Ba k e r Bo o k House, Grand Rapids; $4.95. Christian Evidences By Perry F. Haines We have a number of popular treatises on the general field of Bibli­ cal apologetics. A good deal of re­ search has gone into this volume. There is no effort to say the final word, but the author does feel that he has some things, particularly in the field of scientific matters, which he received from Dr. Howard Kellog and Dr. Isaac Vail, that he believes will be of value to students of the subject. He hold to a four-ring theory regard­ ing the earth—the last ring being water and when it returned to the earth it caused Noah’s flood. Creation, the fall, the flood, prophecy, and the reliability of the Bible are discussed in successive chapters. He concludes with a chapter on “ The Unsearchable and Unexplainable Christ.” 184 pages; cloth; W. A. Wilde Co., Natick, Mass.; $2.95. Sunday School Workers' Training Course By Ray H. Hughes and others A five-volume set of manuals for training lay workers in the Church School is news. Four volumes are is­ sued simultaneously and the fifth will be published later. The titles and authors are as follows: I, Introductory Course, by Ray H. Hughes; II, The Teacher, by O. W. Polen; III, The Student, by W. P. Stanley; IV, Sunday School Evangelism, by Earl P. Paulk, Jr.; V, Keeping the Sunday School Alive, author not announced. The authors of the first four volumes are Christian education leaders in the Church of God. The series is designed to cover a five year training program. Material is practical and details in­ clude such things as forms for surveys, itemized lists of standards, discussion guides, and examination questions. At first glance the volumes appear

somewhat brief, but the text is free from extraneous material and addi­ tional bibliography is given. 5 vols.; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand


Rapids; $1.75 each. BOOK ENDS


A Capsule Review of Current Publications TH E W A Y IT W A S IN BIBLE T IM ES by Merrill T. Gilbertson. 134 pages; paper; Augsburg Pub­ lishing House, Minneapolis; $1.50. Believing that a thorough understanding of the social and cul­ tural life of the people leads to a better under­ standing of the Biblical writings, the author dis­ cusses many of the intimate things of the Scrip­ tures. Here one will find descriptions of the house ond housekeeping, clothing, religious life, artisans, measures, etc. P R A C T IC A L HELP FOR C H R IST IA N W O RKERS by Don Wardell. 158 pages; paper; the author, Winona Lake, Ind.; $1.50. This manual has been prepored for students, pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers with a view to making their study and office work easier and more effective. It hos gone through constant revision for over ten years. It is illustrated and contains helps and outlines. Subjects covered include filing, suggestions for promotional work in churches, 'how-to-do-it' methods in several areas, Bible marking, etc. DEVO TIO N S OF JO N A T H A N EDW A R D S com­ piled by Ralph G. Turnbull. 110 pages; cloth; Baker Bgok House, Grand Rapids; $1.50. Another j in a series of delightful concentrated collections of devotional thoughts of the great divines. THE W R A T H OF GOD IN THE FO RM ER PROPHETS by Herbert M. Haney. 87 pages; cloth; Vantage Press, New York; $2.95. The author's doctoral dissertation at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. It deals with Joshua, Judges, Samuel, ond Kings. Punishment is always related to sin; it is sometimes remedial but sometimes condemnatory. A PU LPIT M A N U A L prepared by Donald E. Demaray. 64 pages; tabricoid; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.00. This manual is limited to calls to worship, invocations and opening prayers, offertory sentences a n d prayers, and benedictions. Thus it#supplements some of the other manuals of similar nature. All sections are subdivided for different selec­ tions and occasions. TH E BOOK OF ACTS; A STU D Y M A N U A L by Donald E. Demaray. 66 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.25. Another in the very useful Shield Bible Study Series. The author is of Seatle Pacific College. SER M O N P LA N S A N D STO RY ILLU ST R A T IO N S by Alfred L. Greenway. 96 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $ 1.95. One of the publisher's Minister's Handbook Series. Forty- three messages are outlined ahd developed briefly. C H A PEL T A L K S by C. B. Eavey. 116 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.75. Fifty-four brief messages. THE LOST TREASU RE by Marie Lauve Lip­ scomb. 118 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House. Grand Rapids; $2.00. Winner of the publisher's "Christian Fiction for Young People" contest. Story of sea life out of New Orleons. TH E C H U R C H SAYS W ELC O M E! by Harold F. Linamen. 63 pages; paper; Warner Press, Ander­ son, Ind.; $2.00. A manual for making the church, the program, and the congregation attractive for visitors. Illustrated with many good ideas. G O D'S T A B E R N A C LE IN ISR A EL'S W ILD ER ­ NESS JO U R N EY by Ralph H. Mount, Jr. 32 pages; paper; the author, 402 Opol Ave., Mans­ field, Ohio; $2.00. The work of a Christian engineer with drawings and text multilithed. Holds basic the definition that the 'tabernacle proper' was the linen curtains (ex. 36:8). EXPLO RIN G Y O U R BIBLE by John P. Oakes. 144 poges; cloth: Zondervan Publishing House, Grond Rapids; $2.95. A general introduction to personal Bible study including what we coll general Biblical introduction, history ond trans­ mission, helps, the vorious modern translations, commentaries, and interpretation. Facsimiles and a glossary add to the interest and value of this monual. The outhor is a Boptist. Recomm ended books are available from the Biota Book Rooms, 560 South H ope S treet, Los A n geles; 121 W est W ilson G lendale; and on th e La M irada Campus. H andy mail order service is also available. F ree descriptive books and record catalogs w ill be sent upon request.

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