King's Business - 1960-07

Even PART-TIME Representatives can earn $1 00 .0 0 a week! Literally hundreds of Christians from all walks of life have joined this program already! They tell us that never before have they found a calling that enables them to grow spiritually, personally and financially like this one does! W e are looking for Christian men like yourself. Men who want and expect more from their jobs than just an income. You can be a part o f this Program that is helping families all over the nation and in Canada provide themselves with the great­ est influence for good ever offered the American home. Once you realize the power and the influence this program provides, you will be able to completely embrace your work without reservation. Never has there been such an opportunity to perform a vital, necessary ministry and to satisfy your finan­ cial requirements at the same time. Here’s an Opportunity for Christian Men to COM B IN E a wonderful Ministry with fine Earnings! THIS CHRISTIAN PROGRAM ANO CAN EARN $ 12,000 A Y E A R ! * *

Reader Reaction VANCE HAVNER APPRECIATED Each month THE KING’S BUSINESS is a special blessing and it seems to get bet­ ter and better. Dr. Vance Havner is a welcome addition to your paper and his writings have filled a real need in my life. Mrs. William Davies, Bakersfield, Calif. WORD FROM FRANCE This is to thank you for the great privi­ lege that has been mine all these years to read THE KING’S BUSINESS and to follow you in praise and prayers. It has kept me in touch with the school that I love and from which I was graduated. From there I was sent out to Poland to take Miss Muts’ place. I am leaving for Denmark, my home, where I shall under­ go an operation for a broken hip. I would appreciate your prayers. Toidis Christoffersen, Nice. A.M. France. DO YOU NEED USED MAGAZINE S? I am writing to ask for information re­ garding good used Christian magazines. I believe that some time ago I noticed in a copy of THE KING’S BUSINESS the name and address of someone in the San Joaquin Valley who was working among the migrants and was in need of Christian literature. I am sorry I did not copy the address and am wondering if you know of anyone who could use these magazines. Our missionary group has quite a few magazines and we would be glad to send them to someone who could use them and enjoy the splendid articles in each copy. Any suggestions you can give us we will appreciate. Miss Florence M. James, 18'/, Clorinda Avenue, San Rafael, California. ED: W e would suggest that any of our readers who knows of anyone needing used Christian magazines contact reader James at the above address. ENJOYS QUESTION BOX I want to say that the KB is getting better and better with so many fine arti­ cles on prophecy and all the rest of the contents. They are wonderful and timely. Wish your question box could be put in book form. God bless you. Mrs. Anna Taborsky, Kent, Washington. HONG KONG READER Enclosed please find check to cover my subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS for another year. I enjoy this magazine very much and appreciate the high spirit­ ual standard of the articles contained in it. May the Lord continue to bless the ministry through its pages to many peo­ ple in many places. Miss Florence Todhunter, Hong Kong, British Colony. IMPROVEMENT APPRECIATED I must say how much THE KING’S BUSINESS has improved recently. I was almost ready not to renew my subscrip­ tion, but now am so glad that I did. May God richly bless you all. Mrs. H. A. Gregson, Lebanon, Oregon (Reader Reaction continued on next page)

**This figure falls far short of the top earnings in the Program. Some men earn as much as $25,000 to $60,000 a year.

IF YOU ARE TRAPPED IN ONE OF THESE SITUATIONS, THEN THIS PROGRAM CAN BRING YOU M A RV E LO U S RELIEF FROM DOUBT AND WORRY! • Do you represent a product, company or serv­ ice that you can’t honestly and completely believe in? • Are you convinced that you could serve Christ and your fellow man in some other capacity much better? • Have you reached a "plateau” in your present job? • Has the high cost of living forced you into a lesser profession after you prepared yourself for fulltime Christian endeavor? 9 0% OF THE HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL MEN OF OUR PROGRAM FIT INTO ONE OF THESE CATEGORIES PRIOR TO JOINING US!

Read What Some of These Men Have To Say About This Program! "I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to be a part of an organization of such fine Christian integrity.” E. E ugene C am pbell , Age 33 "This truly is the greatest business in the world! It has completely changed and transformed my D ick S eaton , Age 23 "Other than my family and my conversion, 110 other force has so changed my life as has this tre­ mendous Program. It has made itself felt in every phase of my life — spiritually, socially, personally and financially.” W ayne P h ilpott , Age 31

"In the few months we have been a part of the Program, my wife and I have been blessed spirit­ ually and financially to a degree we previously had imagined was years away.” C harles B isbee , Age 25 THERE’ S A PLACE FOR YOU IN THIS MARVELOUS PROG RAM ! But YOU must m a k e the first m o v e ! Do it TODAY! FILL O U T TH IS CO U PO N A N D MA IL IT R IG H T A W A Y . ALL REPLIES W ILL BE KEPT STR ICTLY CO N F ID EN T IAL . 9 LIMITED NUMBER OF

I------------------------------------------------------------------------ PAUL J. MEYER, National Sales Director AUD IO LIBRARY PROGRAM KB-7 P. O. 1790, Waco, Texas Dear Mr. Meyer: You have given me reason to stop and think about my life and my work. I believe that I would like to know more about a true Christian field where I can be of service to mankind and at the same time provide handsomely for myself and my family. Please send me full information on this Program you call “ The Greatest Business in the World.” NAME__________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS—___________________________________________________ CITY______________________________STATE__________________ I would be more interested in Q Full Time Work Q Part Time Work (Please check one).

DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE Aside from the golden opportuni­ ties outlined for representation of this Program, there are a few Dis­ tributorships available for those qualifying. A distributor must know how or have the willingness to learn to train and manage a sales force. He must be capable of sound business practices. For further in­ formation, write to Paul J. Meyer, National Sales D irector, Audio Library Program, Post Office Box 1790, Waco, Texas.


JU LY, 1960

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