King's Business - 1960-07

READER REACTION (cont.) KB HELPS IN M A N Y AREAS Enclosed is a check for $10 which I’d like to pay for one more year’s subscrip­ tion to your wonderful magazine. All the change from this $10 check can be used for your magazine. Since I am a Sunday School Superin­ tendent, as well as Youth Leader on Tues­ day nights, and a Sunday School Teacher for a group of teenage boys and girls, I find your magazine of utmost importance. For instance, in the March 1960 issue, I cut out three coupons advertising V.B.S. materials so that we’ll have plenty of time to select the proper materials for our com­ ing Vacation Bible School. Secondly, I particularly enjoy articles by Merv Rosell. One particular issue that carried an article by him I bought ten extra copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS and gave them away to my friends. I am a firm believer that Jesus Christ is return­ ing to earth soon, and it seems that Merv Rosell’s articles help to convince skeptics that this is so; so I use his articles to help win souls for Christ. Last, but not the least important, I read every Junior KING’S BUSINESS because wherever I go in Christian groups I am called upon to tell a story. Also, there’s not an issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS that comes off the press but what I find a book advertised for my library. I am not a collector of books, but I enjoy Christian literature, so I keep many Christian volumes around for ready reference. Most of the books I send for, are found in “BOOK RE­ VIEWS.” Two books I am sending for this week are entitled, “My Cup Runneth Over,” and “The' Speaker’s Source-Book” by Eleanor Doan. Both these books were listed cm your pages. W e pass our KING’S BUSINESS around our Christian circle of friends, so nearly ten people see most issues. God bless you. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon K. Chappel, Kotzebue, Alaska. ED.: W e thought that some of the uses to which the Chappels have put the KB would be helpful to our other readers. They have certainly made every page count. Magazines for Missionaries Through the years The King’s Business has endeavored to enlist support of its readers in establishing a fund which is used to send complimentary subscriptions to missionaries. The KB “Free Fund,” as it is known in our Subscription Department, is now de­ pleted and we are unable to meet the many missionary requests which are re­ ceived. Every gift sent to The King’s Business for this purpose is used in its entirety for the “Free Fund.” All contributions are tax deductible. E ditor ’ s note : Last month’s article “ DVBS l Can Be Fun,” was incorrectly listed as \ being authored by Mrs. Chester McCall. Mrs. Clarence McCall wrote the helpful | material.

A MESSAGE from the editor Recently the editors of

The King's Business receiv­ ed a news item for immediate release from Christ's Mis­ sion of 250 W. 57th Street, New York City. It contained a report of the findings of a "Protestant Council on R o m a n Catholicism." The Council leaders and parti­ cipants included Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse, Dr. Geof­ frey Bromiley, Dr. Frank Gaebelein, Dr. Harold Ockenga, Dr. Bernard Ramm, as well as other nationally and internationally-known theologians. Advance word had come to the effect that the Council was to meet and

its results were looked forward to with anticipation. We were hardly prepared, however, for the official re­ port of the findings of this Council. The very first para­ graph of the statement which was released to newspapers and magazines throughout the country disclosed where the emphasis was placed. It read as follows: "Fourteen leaders of American Protestantism agreed here that the time is ripe for conversations with the Roman Catholic Church based on 'mutual Christian respect.' Mo­ tive for seeking the conversations, they declared, was the 'shared danger posed by growing secularism and revived paganism.' The goal to be sought is 'that unity in truth which is demanded by the Word of God.' " The full release contains a brief summary of historic Protestant doctrine, but alas, it comes as something of an anticlimax to that which opens the document itself. It is readily granted that there is indeed throughout the world definite "danger posed by growing secularism and revived paganism." However, at the same time there is a grave question whether the Roman Catholic Church is in any position to do much about this "revived paganism" which is to be found in our society today. Certainly Rome is not about to change her doctrine, program or method that have characterized her over the centuries. History repeatedly reveals the fact that any co-operation with the Roman Catholic Church always must be on its terms, and when the results are in, invariably it is Romanism that has gained the advantage. In connection with this Council, it is significant that the Roman Catholic Church is not talking about co-opera­ tion with Protestantism. Instead, there are on its part periodic invitations to Protestants to "forsake their schismatic and heretical ways" and to return to the "Mother Church." It is true that the above-mentioned release does in­ clude some worth-while statements. But it is the emphasis



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