King's Business - 1960-07

on the goal they seek that is most strenuously objected to. It would be of great interest to check how many newspapers printed the entire release, but one may quite safely con­ clude that they likely did not get beyond the first para­ graph. This could only lead to a conclusion on the part of the average reader that these Protestant leaders were urg­ ing a closer co-operation with the Roman Catholic Church. This is most deplorable, especially in view of the politi­ cal overtones which doubtless will be heard in increasing volume in the months that lie ahead. Let it be understood that we believe in complete re­ ligious freedom in our beloved country. Because of that basic principle of American government, we believe the Roman Catholic Church has a perfect right to exist here. We would fight to the last ditch for the preservation of this principle. However, we certainly do not believe that the "shared danger" referred to here is any greater than the danger there is in toleration of and indifference to the monumental differences which exist between Catholic and Protestant faiths. This "deep cleavage at certain most vital points" is referred to in the next to the last paragraph of this release, but it is minimized by such phrases as "shared respect for the Scriptures and the ancient creeds, " "shared danger," etc., so that one must read between the lines to discover the truth. It is our earnest conviction that the time is ripe in­ deed— but not for "conversations" with Roman Catholicism, or any linking up with her in any respect, but instead for a reaffirmation of the great Scriptural, Protestant truths that inspired the leaders of the'Reformation, and are re­ sponsible for the religious liberty which even the Cath­ olics enjoy in our country today. I refer to such truths as salvation by faith alone, the infallibility of the Word of God, the substitutionary atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ, His glorious resurrection, and the fact that His death was entirely sufficient to save to the uttermost and that He is the only Mediator between God and men. If our Roman Catholic friends are desirous of co-operation with us. let them first embrace these truths, and forsake the extra teachings which they have attached to the doc­ trines which were held by the early church— such ideas as image worship, Mariolatry, the infallibility of the Pope, penances, indulgences, confession, purgatory, and the bloodless re-enactment of Calvary called the Mass where, according to one of the leading Catholic theologians, "Christ is offered up on the altar as truly as He was on Cal­ vary's cross."* When Rome has done this, then there will be time for "conversations" to begin, "based on mutual Christian respect." Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Huss, John Wycliffe and all of you wonderful martyrs of the Reformation who paid with your very lives for your faith, and all other Christian martyrs of the ages— please forgive us. It would appear that we know not what we do !

»IS . W IL L IA M CU LBER TSON President, M ood y Bible Institute speaks on the fundamentals of the faith. Redem ption “Because God offers salvation full and free, some men have the idea that it is cheap. It seems to be a truism that men do not appreciate that which costs them nothing. So there are undoubtedly those who pass by the gracious offer of God, for they think that unless they earn a thing, it must be worthless. “But the salvation of God cannot be earned. It is not of works (Ephesians 2:9; Titus 3:5). It is to him that worketh not, but believeth (Romans 4:5). So there must be the leveling of human pride, if men are to know redemption. “Yet let us be emphatic that, even so, salvation is not cheap. It cost our Lord greatly. Who can penetrate the depths of His agony, His suffering, His grief? We must stand baffled and perplexed so far as the price of our redemption is con­ cerned. It is true that '. • • none of the ransomed ever knew How deep w ere the waters crossed; N or how dark was the night that the Lord passed through Ere He found His sheep that was lost.' “It is for this reason that the child of God finds strength, humility, comfort and help as he meditates on the cross. Here he learns to be truly thankful. “But is there no cost to us? As believers we have nothing to pay for salvation; as disciples God demands our all.” Every Christian should have a copy of Dr. Culbertson’s book God’s Provision for H oly Living, a happy blending of Bible study and practical exhortation. 112 pages, paper bound. For your free copy, write Moody Bible Institute, Dept. K-0-866, 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago 10, Illinois.

*Dr. John O'Brien, "The Faith of Millions."

JULY, 1960


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