CONTENTS INTERESTED IN MORE FROM UMADAOP LUCAS COUNTY? To learn more about our resources for living a healthy lifestyle, contact us!
36 MORETHAN SKINDEEP Implant represents
18 JOHN EDWARDS UMADAOP Lucas County CEO speaks about the fight against the opioid epidemic 12 TREATMENT CHOICES INOPIOID ADDICTION Dr. Islam on different methods of recovery 16 GEOF ALLAN Prevention education becomes a life’s mission 20 FINDING PEACE UMADAOP client achieves contentment in sobriety 24 STARTINGOVER Reentry program looks to rebuild lives, strengthen communities 28 PROLONGING THE PAIN Study suggests painkillers may be having the opposite effect in the long run 30 GROWING CONCERNOVER HEROIN USE The dangers that heroin use
UMADAOP Lucas County 2447 Nebraska Ave, Toledo, OH 43607 (419) 255-4444
revolutionary approach to treating opioid addiction 38 COPINGWITH DISCRIMINATION Discrimination remains largely ignored as a cause of substance abuse 42 BEND BUT DON’T BREAK Yoga is being used to help people maintain recovery and avoid relapse 46 TURNING POINT Law enforcement changes their approach to prevent overdoses 50 SOARING RECOVERY Housing program helps women reconnect with society 52 HAVEN FOR SUCCESS Women’s program offers strength through community 54 STARQUEST YOUTH PREVENTION Program strives to assist the youth of high poverty neighborhoods
UMADAOP LUCAS COUNTY Magazine is published by
6830 West Villard Ave Milwaukee, WI 53218
Copyright 2017 by No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, excepting brief quotations in connection with reviews written specifically for inclusions in magazines or newspapers, or limited excerpts strictly for personal use. Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved.
poses to the country 32 BOOM, BUST, ANDDRUGS
Study says economic downturn leads to increase in substance use disorders
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