Comprehensive Wellness Centers

A t Comprehensive Wellness Centers, we fully understand the physical, psychological and spiritual impacts of addiction. As recovering addicts or family members of those suffering from substance abuse, the treatment staff at our drug rehab center in Florida has the experience, drive and dedication to help you reach your goal of a successful and lifelong recovery. No matter how severe your addiction may be, Comprehensive Treatment Centers can tailor an individualized program that meets your unique needs. The experienced staff at our dual diagnosis treatment center have developed a unique recovery program that is based on a personal approach that focuses on not only the addiction but on treating the underlying causes that started the addiction. Comprehensive Wellness Center’s drug treatment program addresses the following key components that help

Eliminate every- thing that doesn’t help you evolve.

each client achieve long-term recovery success: • Developing and utilizing support systems • Healthy nutrition and self-care programs • How to deal with substance abuse triggers • Life and coping skills training

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