2024 MADD SC Court Monitoring Report Broken Laws Broken Liv…

searching is incredibly time consuming. If there are missing cases or incorrect information, it affects the accuracy and thoroughness of our work. However, it is a limitation we must work within. Case Dispositions by County Below, we share county specific data concerning the cases where an outcome was determined.

Berkeley County

For the 608 cases with final outcomes we monitored in Berkeley County, 199 were found guilty, 211 were pled down to a lesser charge, and 198 were dismissed, dropped, found not guilty or disappeared from the public index for unknown reasons. One significant data issue has arisen in Berkeley County since our last report. Several courthouses have switched away from the public index to their own systems to follow cases, which of course makes it a challenge for our Court Monitors to update the cases accordingly. Our hope is to establish arrangements with some of the courthouses where they would share their data with us directly so we can continue to maintain as much accurate information as we can for the county.

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