2024 MADD SC Court Monitoring Report Broken Laws Broken Liv…

Richland County

For the 1,111 cases with final outcomes we monitored in Richland County, 202 were found guilty, 358 were pled down to a lesser charge, and 551 were dismissed, dropped, found not guilty or disappeared from the public index for unknown reasons.

Spartanburg County

For the 1,127 cases with final outcomes we monitored in Spartanburg County, 730 were found guilty, 115 were pled down to a lesser charge, and 282 were dismissed, dropped, found not guilty or disappeared from the public index for unknown reasons.

National Data It is difficult to make any strong comparisons to national data as each state has varying DUI sentencing options. For example, many states have protocols in place where a first- time DUI offender can have their charge expunged after some combination of

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