2024 MADD SC Court Monitoring Report Broken Laws Broken Liv…

Low Prosecution Support Areas

High Prosecution Support Areas

Defendant Demographics Of the cases we monitored, 72% of impaired driving cases involved male defendants. 47% of all defendants were between the ages of 21 and 39. State impaired driving crash data aligns with this. 20- to 29-year-old drivers were greatly overrepresented in the crash data, and 79% of crashes were caused by males. Also, within the MADD Court Monitoring data, 214 of the cases involved individuals under 21. As part of our lifesaving mission, MADD knows that by preventing underage drinking today, we can end drunk driving tomorrow. Research shows that kids who start drinking young are seven times more likely to be in an alcohol-related crash. In addition, studies have shown that teens who do NOT drink alcohol until they are 21 are 85% less likely to become a drunk driver later in life than those who drink before age 14. .

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