2024 MADD SC Court Monitoring Report Broken Laws Broken Liv…

“Shine On” and “Never, Never Quit.” Mallory has taken Mia’s handwriting and made t- shirts, sweatshirts, hats, stickers, and keychains. Items also contain her softball number 22 and reminders not to drink and drive. The proceeds from the items have allowed Mallory to adopt a family with children each Christmas who are victims of drunk driving, burial assistance, medical bills, foster/adoption needs, scholarships, and for the past two years Uber gift cards for New Year's Eve, just to name a few. In just three years, the Mia Stokes Foundation has given back $155,000. The Stokes Family shares Mia’s story in hopes of raising awareness so that no other family has to suffer the pain that they are being forced to endure. Mia’s bright light continues to shine through her family, those who wear her shirts, and those who benefit from the gracious assistance from her foundation.

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