King's Business - 1969-03

Canadian Sunday School M ission Directing Canadian youth heavenward since 1927 throqgh camps, «daily vacation Bible schools, day school classes, home Bible clubs, Sunday schools, services, Bible memory con­ tests and correspondence courses, etc. W. G. L. McAllister, General Superintendent Head Office— Room A, 177 Lombard Ave. Winnipeg 2, Manitoba, Can. THE CENTRAL AMERICAN MISSION Founded by Dr. Scofield in 1890 Pray for the 700 CAM congregations and hundreds of national and missionary lead­ ers in "our Samaria." Help us present the best in radio, literature, and Spirit-led evangelism to educated youth and multitudes everywhere. P.O. Bop 28005 Dallas, Texas 75228 THE CHILDREN'S BIBLE MISSION, INC. P.O. Box 44, Lakeland, Florida 33802 CBM Workers in 9 states reach thousands of boys, girls and youth in schools. Bible Clubs and summer camps. Abundant oppor­ tunities for qualified workers. Write for informative literature, and inquire about our challenging sound-color film. "Win A Child and You Win A Life" C H R I S T ' S M I S S I O N , I N C . R ev . S tuart G arver , Director & Editor 275 State St. Hackensack, N.J. 07602 Publishing for 85 years the Christian Herit­ age magazine to awaken Christians to their responsibilities to Roman Catholics and keeping them.abreast of developments by the hierarchy. Rehabilitating former priests — providing information and help to Roman Catholics and pastors. Write for free copy of magazine. NON-PROFIT. CHRISTIAN JAIL WORKERS, INC. P.O. Box 5, Los Angeles, California 90051 A C h rist-ce n te re d , n o n -p ro fit, m in is try to 1 0,0 0 0 a d u lt p riso n ers, 3 ,0 0 0 ju v e n ile o ffe n ­ d e rs in 3 5 in stitu tio n s . It is th e re co g n ize d P ro te sta n t C h a p la in c y fo r th e Lo s A n g e le s C o u n ty S h e riff's an d P ro b a tio n D ep artm en ts. A ls o a H a lfw a y H o u se fo r w o m en an d a fu ll­ tim e C h a p la in m in is te rin g in th e h om es o f prison ers. R e a ch in g lo st sou ls w ith th e G o sp e l in n e g ­ le cte d places. • N ee d e d — $ 5 0 0 .0 0 pe r m o n th to h e lp su p p o rt 10 n ew m issio n a ry cou ples. W rite fo r b ro ch ure : R E V . H O W A R D J. LO D G E (d ire ctor) P.O . Box 8 5 Lanesville Sta., Gloucester, Mass. 01930 T H E C O N V E R S IO N CEN TER A soul-winning mission to Roman Catholic priests, nuns and people. 500 million Roman Catholics lost without love, trapped by traditions, paralyzed by popery, deceived by the Devil. 47,000 priests, 138,000 nuns dedicated to "MAKE AMER­ ICA CATHOLIC.” Wfil vou help keep America free to evangelize the world? Pray, give, write for soul-winning material. ■8 W. Eagle Rtf., Havertunm, Pennsylvania To bring God’s Word to a little known and neglected people. To plant indigenous churches on Pauline principles and train National workers. A complete program of diversified evangelism:- radio, colportage, children, prison work, open air, etc. Write for free literature P.O. Drawer 8776, Orlando, Florida 32806 EVANGELICAL MISSIONARY ACTION Worldwide witnessing with tracts and music. Reaching students at home and abroad. Please pray and help today. For Free sample tracts, write: REV. WILLIAM SWAAN IUSKIN, British Columbia, Canada EVANGELICAL MISSION TO URUGUAY, INC. Rev. Frederick V. Dabold, D.D., Director C H R IS T IA N M IS S IO N T O C H U R C H L E S S C O M M U N IT IE S , IN C .


The Christian^ s s g ig !

AFRICA IN L A N D M ISS ION Six hundred missionaries serving. Fields occupied: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Congo, Central African Republic.

Deputation speakers available. Literature and list of slide-tapes and films will be sent on request.

Address 253 Henry Street Brooklyn, New Yoric 11201

A IR M A IL FROM GOD M ISS IO N , INC . Founded 1949 by Nyles Huffman Active in Mexico, Central America & Brazil • Dropping Scripture portions from air­ planes • Free Bible Correspondence Courses • Gospel films shown by evangelists • Follow up Bible study groups We care. In these mechanized days, our personal solicitude envelops not only our missionaries on the field, but our contribu­ tors here at home, many of whom have been our prayer-partners throughout the 46 years of our existence. To find out how you may share in this Christian joy, send for a free sample copy of our magazine, THE EURO­ PEAN HARVEST FIELD. Write to: AMERICAN-EUROPEAN FELLOWSHIP, Inc. 15 Philipse Place, Yonkers, N.Y., 10701 4205 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90029 AMERICAN MISSION TO GREEKS, Inc. Spiros Zodhiates, President In U.S.A.: Coast-to-Coast Broadcasts; In Greece: Publishing House, Printshop, Book­ stores, Missionaries, Bible Institute, Orphan­ ages, Camps; Clothing, Food, Medical Dis­ tributions; Paid Gospel Messages in Greek Newspapers and Magazines. INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 801 Broad Ave., Ridgefield, N J. 07657 A Brightening Beacon In Dark Times T e a ch in g T h e U n ch a n g in g W o rd th ro u g h ru ra l S un d ay S ch o o l o rg a n iza tio n sin ce 18T7 — to d a y w iln u rb a n w o rk ad ded! W rite fo r a co p y o f 'T H E S U N D A Y S C H O O L M IS S IO N ­ A R Y " to: AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 ARCTIC MISSIONS, INC. Pioneering person-to-persori evangelism in Alaska since 1961. Reaches Alaska for Christ through 70 missionaries in 20 centers—Bible conferences, Gospel team evangelism, camps and vacation Bible schools, a Christian High School and a native Bible Institute. 16 mm. sound color film available on offering basis. For details and literature write: Rev. John M. Gillespie, General Director P.O. Box 512, Gresham, Oregon 97030 BEREAN MISSION, INC. 3536 Russell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 63014 Organized 1937 • Member I.F.M.A. • 9 Fields LABORING: in the Democratic Republic of Congo; Tanzania; Morocco; Philippines; Ecuador, S.A.; Barbados; Grenada; Nayajo- land; and among Cuban refugees in Miami. PUBLISHING: Mi88Íongram8 , official bi­ monthly magazine presenting news and ac­ tivities on various fields, sent upon request. BIBLE CHRISTIAN UNION Over 100 missionaries serving in Western Europe. Others serving in North America among Jews, children and French Cana­ dians. Member mission I.F.M.A. WRITE FOR INFORMATION AND MAGAZINE. Opportunities for service at home and abroad. 1101 E. 35th St., Brooklyn, New York 11210

by Raymond C. Ortlund Pastor, Lake Ave. Congregational Church, Pasadena, Calif. I T ’s A good day fo r a person when he really sees himself as he is. How many people have come to me, as one young man did not too long ago, and said, “ I’m tired of pretending. I have given the im­ pression that I’m a fine Christian, but I must admit that this is just not the case. My life is inconsis­ tent. I’m living ‘afar off.’ Not many people know it, but / know it.” I believe that there are many more of us who have this same uncomfortable feeling, who suf­ fer today because o f a credibility gap in our own Christian life. That is, there is a great gulf be­ tween what we believe, and what we perform. As we come to the seventh chap­ ter o f Jeremiah, let’s ask the Scriptures to speak directly to us. We face a very old problem, this gap between our faith and our performance. We like to talk



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