King's Business - 1969-03

these abominations?” (vs. 9, 10). “We are saved; we are safe; we’ve been to church!” God’s comment on that is verse l i : “Has this house which is called by My name, become a den o f rob­ bers in your eyes? Behold, I My­ self have seen it, says the Lord.” “Our external religion is ade­ quate,” thought the Jews, “ so we can go on sinning if we want to.” This is worse than no religion at all. The heathen temples were places where the most vulgar and vile sins were committed. And it was considered all right, because it was done in the temple. Be as lust­ ful as you want to, as long as you do it in the temple. And even the Jews felt they were ail right in their temple. Condoned by reli­ gion, almost like the heathen while in their temple, they sinned as they wished. Now picture the New Testa­ ment parallel. Here is the crowd in the temple again, everyone is there, but they were there for the wrong purpose. They were there for some bargains in forgiveness. They were there for a cheap way out o f their bad feelings. And we read in Matthew chapter 21, verses 12 and 13: “ Jesus entered the temple of God and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and He overturned the tables o f the money changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. He said to them, ‘It is written, My house shall be called a house o f prayer,’ but you make it a den o f robbers.” Notice that Christ quotes from Jeremiah. Then, again note that the Lord Jesus was not very complimentary as He spoke to the religious lead­ ers. He said: “Woe to you, scribes and Phari­ sees, hypocrites! for you cleanse the outside o f the cup and of the plate, but inside they are full o f extortion and rapacity. You blind Pharisee! first cleanse the inside of the cup and o f the plate, that the outside may be clean” (Matt. 23:25, 26).

0 M S Interdenominational faith mission specializ­ ing in the establishment of indigenous churches on eleven fields through evangelism, medicine, radio, and teaching ministries. The Oriental Missionary Society P.O. Box A Greenwood, Indiana 46142

MILLION TESTAMENTS CAMPAIGN, INC. Mrs. George T . B. Davis, Director Jews being saved in many lands through our Prophecy New Testaments in many lan­ guages. Our Hebrew Testaments reaching many Jews in the land of Israel. Yon can help by your prayers and gifts. News Bul­ letin and Prayer Card free upon request. 1505 Race Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19102 THE MISSIONARY DENTIST, INC. Box.7002, Saattf., Washington 98133 A uniaue worldwide evangelistic ministry It m e ets th e p h y sica l a n d s p iritu a l n eeds o f th e n a tio n a ls, an d m issio n a rie s to o , b y p ro v id in g m o d ern d e n ta l ca re an d a sou n d B ib le te a ch in g m in is try fro m th e h e a rt o f th e ju n g le s to p o p u la te d c itie s th ro u g h D en tal E v a n g e lism T e a m pro gram s. Films and literature available . The Missionary Literature Foundation pro­ vides evangelical missionaries with devo­ tional literature for their personal and family use. It also provides contacts useful in meeting the emergency needs of mission­ aries returned from the fields. MISSIONARY LITERATURE FOUNDATION Box 374 Burbank, Calif. 91503 PRACTICAL ASSISTANCE TO EVANGELICAL MISSIONARIES NAVAJO GOSPEL MISSION “ /* it nothing to you , all ye that pass by?” (Lam. 1 :12) Reaching some of our First Americans, Navajo Pastors, Bible Training Classes, Grade School, Radio Ministry, Outstations, Medical Ministry, Hogan Visitation, Camps and Con­ ferences, V.B.S. for all ages. Write for the publication: NAVAJO PRAYER CHALLENGE Oraibi, Arizona 86039 NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY New York, N.Y. 10017 A UNIQUE MISSIONARY MINISTRY Rev. Youngve R. Kindberg, G e n e ra l S ecretary An evangelical missionary organization, dis­ tributing the Scriptures in over 70 languages about the harbor and within the City of New York. Divisions: Marine, Immigration, For­ eign, Jewish, Negro, Hotels, Hospitals, Blind, Scripture texts in subways. New York Mission to the Jews Since 1895 this Mission, founded by Rev. and Mrs. Bernhard Angel, has proclaimed the Gospel to the Jews of New York’s fabled East Side. There are more Jews in metropoli­ tan New York, than in the State of Israel. MINISTRIES: Gospel services; open-air^meet­ ings; hospital and home visitation; Scripture distribution. You can help by prayer and gift. 149 Ave. B. New York, N.Y. 10009. THOUSANDS OF MUSLIM STUDENTS are seriously studying the Bible NEEDED: (1) “ apostles” who like Paul will disciple these individually (2) prayer warriors who will strengthen both missionary and new Christian. Write to: NORTH AFRICA MISSION 241 Fairfield Ave., Upper Darby, Pa. 19082 205 Yonge Street, Toronto 1, Ontario, Canada NORTH AMERICA INDIAN MISSION Formerly Marine Medical Mission, Inc., this interdenominational faith mission has evan­ gelized native Indians of Pacific Northwest since 1949 through resident missionaries, DVBS, summer camping, and itinerant coastal villages. Worked in 80 Indian com­ munities in 1968. Write for free publication. William W. Lottis, Director 2205 Fir Street, Dept. B., Vancouver 9, B.C. NORTHERN CANADA EVANGELICAL MISSION A n in te rd e n o m in a tio n a l fa ith m issio n se e k in g to re ach o u r C a n a d ia n In dians w ith th e G os­ p e l . . . a m issio n fie ld o f 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 Indians. • E s ta b lish in g In dia n In d ig e n o u s C h u rch e s • In dia n B ib le S ch o o ls • T ra n sla tin g S crip tu re s in In dia n La n g u a g e s e 8 - 1 5 m in u te ra d io p ro g ra m s e ach w e ek in C re e, O jib w a an d C h ip p e w a n . Head Office: 58 - 18th St. East, Prince Albert, Sask. 5 East 48th Street


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m m m m with the Gospel for over 85 years. Rus­ sian Christian leaders are trained at the only Russian Bible Institute in the world; in Argentina. Your assistance is needed. Write for FREE Slavic news magazine reports. SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSOCIATION Peter Deyneke, General Director Dept. K !42^iNi_JJlli^06j4j

SOUTH AMERICA INDIAN MISSION P.O. Box 769, Lake Worth, Florida 33460 O bjective : T o reach the wild, tribal, primi­ tive and mixed-blood peoples with God's message of Redemption. Write for free copy of "Amazon Valley Indian" containing accounts of God's mar­ velous dealings with these people. BOLIVIA BRAZIL COLOMBIA PERU THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE MISSION (TEAM) M O R E T H A N 8 7 5 M IS S IO N A R IE S assig n ed to 2 0 fie ld s a ro u n d th e w o rld . Sen d fo r sa m p le co p ie s o f T E A M lite ra tu re an d th e m a g a zin e , Horizons. P.O. Box 969 Whoaton, III. 601«7



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