King's Business - 1969-03

day. Yet, we are so silent! We have a credibility gap. We believe this, yet according to Bill Bright from Campus Cru­ sade for Christ: “ It takes a thou­ sand laymen and six ministers to bring one person to Christ in one year.” We Love That Bible, But . . . We believe the Bible? “We do !” Is it true? “Yes.” Is it relevant for today? “ Yes.” Does it mean some­ thing in your life? “Yes.” Could you live without the Bible? “No ! The Bible is one of my most pre­ cious treasures.” Now I wonder how many Chris­ tians are in the serious business o f mastering the contents of the English Bible. I mean, by our­ selves. How many of us bend over the pages of the Scriptures and pray that the Lord will open up the Bible to us? How many are doing some kind of systematic study in our Scofield Bible, or some Bible Course? Or doing something to master the English Bible? I think systematic students of the Bible are really rare. Here is our credibility gap. We say the Bible is important; it is so vital, “ I wouldn’t live without the Bi­ ble,” but we do, day after day after day. Cont. on next Page

He said, “ You are very careful to shine up the outside, but you drink from a cup that is filthy dirty on the inside.” “Well,” says Jesus, “not every­ one that saith unto Me, ‘Lord, L o rd / ” (again that repetition), “ shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father.” Jesus puts a high priority on doing, on obedience, on practice. Longfellow wrote, “Not he that repeats the Name, but he that does the will.” Let9» Put The "Shoe99 On Today there is a huge credibil­ ity gap, and we can see it if we look honestly at ourselves. Too often we are great talkers, but we are not so good as walkers. Jesus says, “Don’t say, ‘Lord, Lord’ to Me unless you mean to do what I tell you to do.” Evangelicals, But Short On Evangelism Consider our witnessing. We believe that men are valuable. We believe that every person is save- able. We honestly believe this. We believe John 3:36: “ He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” Do you believe that? You say, “ Yes, sir, I believe that.” Then have you faced a person this week and shared with him the gospel of Jesus Christ? Per­ haps you have, but the chances are ten to one that you have not gone one step out of your way with a heartfelt concern about someone who is lost and under the wrath of God. We say, “ Oh, but I believe John 3 :36.” Yes, but look at the credi­ bility gap. How about it, would you not risk the embarrassment or rejec­ tion that might come because of a strong witness for Jesus Christ? We say we believe that every person is important and has an eternal soul, and we say that every person must face God some MARCH, 1969

events in the Middle East are fulfilling predictions in the Scriptures regarding Israel so literally that it is opening doors o f vast op­ portunity with Jews every­ where. They are showing an interest in the New Testa­ ment and a receptive attitude toward the Gospel that is unparalleled in their history. A Jewish reporter in the magazine “ Jewish Specta­ tor** wrote: “ The hunger for the Word o f G od o f which the prophet Amos (8 :1 1 ) spoke has seized many in all walks of life; seeking along many paths and lacking leadership, they still resemble a dispersed herd that has not found a shepherd.. .’* I -B 'J -M In te rn a tio n a l Board o f Jew ish M issio n s, In c. D r. R obe rt 6 . Lee, Chairman Advisory Board Dr. Jacob G artenhaus, President Write for information and a free copy of the magazine THE EVERLASTING NATION. P.0. Box 1256 Atlanta, Georgia 30301


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