King's Business - 1969-03

P C L C l ICLC I O r 0 1 O I" 0 1 O r" 0 1 n r 0 1 n r 0 1 n r 0 1 Paperback ICLCHB EEN I HAVE YOU S THESE BOOKS? A MAN JUST LIKE US By HAROLD W. F IFE Paperback $1.25 A Scriptural biography of Elijah which brings a giant of another age and the problems of our con­ temporary society together in a book that is bound to stir Chris­ tian people into action. $1.25 A word for every day in the year from Oswald Chambers, author of My Utmost for His Highest . RELUCTANT MISSIONARY By EDITH BUXTON Cloth Illustrated $3.95 The daughter of the famous C..T Studd tells the fascinating story of life with her celebrated father. From your local Bookstore or CHRISTIAN LITERATURE CRUSADE F O R T W A S H I N G T O N , P E N N A . 1 9 0 3 4 Broadman Press Presents RUN TODAY’S RACE By OSWALD CHAMBERS n r n I o r 0 1 o r 0 1 nr0 1 n r 0 1 n r n I

Cont. from Page 41

ing, even though I don’t go.” Do you know what that tells? There’s a credibility gap. With our world going to smash and our men in Vietnam suffering and dying in the jungles, and with scores of people around us in deep tragedy, — still, we wouldn’t even come on a Wednesday night to prayer meeting — we’d have to miss a favorite T.V. program. I say here’s a deep credibility gap. With things popping all around us, we ought to be storming into prayer meeting together. Tithing Is Riblieal Malachi 3:10 says: “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse . . . and prove Me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven, and pour you out a bless­ ing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” Asked “Do you believe it?” many of us would answer, “ Yes, I believe it.” Yet we come to church, drop our lonely dollar in­ to the offering plate, and sing “ Take my silver and my gold Not a mite would I withhold .” There’s an incredible credibility gap. These inconsistencies grieve the Holy Spirit of God. We can come and sit before our Bibles (which we should do), and sing our hymns (which we must do), and we should come and shake one another’s hands (which we want to do), but, are we really living this life we say we believe? What Must I D o To Be SavedP Now, wha t 's the an sw e r? Verses 5 to 7 o f our text in Jere­ miah 7 say this: “ For if you truly amend your ways and your doings, if you tru­ ly execute justice one with anoth­ er, if you do not oppress the alien, the fatherless or the widow, or shed innocent blood in this place, and if you do not go after other gods to your own hurt, then I will let you dwell in this place, in the land that I gave o f old to your fathers forever.”

Equal Rights for All Now, let’s talk about this mat­ ter of the equality of all men. We have to. We just simply have to. The Preamble to our Constitution, which is founded on the Word of God, says that we believe that every man has inalienable rights, that he is equal before God and before others. We say, “Yes, I believe in the importance of human life and the equality of every life.” I’m sure you believe that. And yet our country is just teeming with prej­ udice right now. It really is. The Negro Christians, many times, are prejudiced against the white Christians. They think every white is a bigot. And a great host o f Christian white people have deep in their souls a feeling that Negroes are inferior in some way. Why, that’s a credibility gap! We don’t be» lieve that, really, but these are our emotions. We can’t take that and still believe the Bible. There’ll be no zoning laws in heaven! What are we going to do then? Being exclusive just doesn’t be­ long in the Christian’s life. Should we talk about those things? Yes, we should! Race re­ lations must not be the total of our message, of course. But the Bible teaches how we must re­ spect all men—regardless of color. That9* 3tg Church “ I want an evangelical church. I want a church that really preaches the Gospel. Of course, I don’t witness much. But I want the pastor to get up there and I want him to really preach the Gospel.”—Do you say that? Or do you basically think it? “ I want a church that’s like a life insurance policy I heard ad­ vertised as an umbrella — just taking over the whole life. I want to identify with a church whose name really means something, so when I say ‘I go there’ people know where I stand — I don’t have to say what I believe. I in­ sist on a church that has an eve­ ning service and a prayer meet­

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