King's Business - 1969-03


richard W. dehaan T eacher radio B ible C lass

A LL SICKNESS is notchastening. Lazarus became ill through no fault ofhisown. Jesus just alowed himto suffer anddiethat He might have theopportunity to call him forth from the tomb. In this way Jesus' Divinity wasexhibited to all. Lazarus’ sick­ ness was“for the glory of God." F. B. Meyerhas discerningly writ en, “The child ofGod isoftencalled to suffer because there is nothing that wil convince onlokers of thereality andpower of true religionas sufferingwil do,when it isborne with Chris­ tian fortitude. . . Everyone cannot be trusted with trial. All could not standthe fiery ordeal.Some whoare Christians would speak rashly andcomplainingly. Sothe Master has to selectwith careful scrutiny the branches which can stand the knife, andthejewels which canstandthewheel. Itisgiventosome to preach, to others to work, but to others to suffer!”

Have you every heard the legend of the mignonete andthe gravelwalk?The migno­ nette isaplant that hasgreenishwhitespikes of perfumed flowers. “How fragrant you this morning,” said thegravelwalk. “Yes," saidthe mignonete, “I haverecently been troddenupon andbruised, and it has brought forth all my sweetnes ." "But,” said the gravel walk, “I am trodden on on lifeis obvious.The sanctified sendforth sweetnessthat blessesall who comein con­ tact with them, while others become hard and bit er under suffering. How do youreactunder adversecircum­ stances? and I only grow

by Gerald Gooden S o m e is s u e s a g o , an announce­ ment was made concerning the establishment of a Chris­ tian Stamp Club. To this date we have heard from approximately 30 of our subscribers and friends who are interested in participat­ ing in this project. Mr. Gerald Gooden, reference research libra­ rian for Biola College, has been kind enough to prepare a card file on those who are interested. Included on the reference is in­ formation as to their special col­ lections. Names and addresses of other Christian Stamp Club mem­ bers are available upon request. We would suggest that members write to one another to arrange for potential trading. Several of the potential C h r is t ian Stamp Club members are missionaries and would be willing to assist in securing new issues from the countries in which they are la­ boring. The largest number o f stamp club members are making a spe­ cialty of United States collections, while the next larger numbers are specializing in Israel stamps. Oth­ er fields of special interest include Canada, Great Britain including the British Colonies, as well as Africa, Central America, Colom­ bia, India, Japan, Mexico, Philip­ pines and the United Nations. Fields of special interest include the Bible, Christmas, Freedom from Hunger, hunting stamps, post cards, religion, special due stamps, and transportation. Any who have an interest in stamp collections but have not as yet notified THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS C h r is t ian Stamp Club should do so as soon as possible that you may receive information relative to other members.



harder.” The commentary

THOT: Just as a certain degree of solar heat is necessaiy to bring the finest fruit to per­ fection, so is fiery trial indispensable for ripening the inner man.

The above is selected from Our Daily Bread, the devotional guide published monthly by Radio Bible Class. This booklet contains interesting meditations. Scripture portions, poems, and o thought for every day of the month—os written by Richard DeHoan, Henry Bosch, Herbert Vander Lugt, ond the late Dr. M. R. DeHaan. Your copy is waiting for you, free and postpaid. < l l I I I

RADIO BIBLE CLASS Dept. KB Grand Rapids, Michigan Please send free copy and information on how to receive the OUR DAILY BREAD booklet each month.

The Radio Bible Class and Our Daily Bread Broadcasts, w ith Richard D eHaan, are heard wo rldw ide on over 1200 re­ leases each week. Free Radio Logs for the Radio Bible Class and Our Daily Bread programs are yours for the asking.


When writing advertisers'— please mention THE KING’S BUSINESS


WE FIRE WRITERS? What on earth are you writing those days for Heaven's sake? If you want to write persuasively . . . for file sheer joy of it . . . and for money too, the CHRISTIAN WRITERS GUILD can fire you with enthusi­ asm for developing your talent. Our home- study course of instruction costs only about S3 per lesson. And you can start selling immediately as our news reporter in your area. Get firedl Write today for REE talent test: CHRISTIAN WRITERS GUILD, Dept. D, La Canada, California 91011.

GIVE YOUR CAR TO MISSIONARIES ON FURLOUGH When you. donate your car, we 8 end you a tax-deductible re­ ceipt for top retail value. Write: AIM, I k ., (Automobiles In Missions) lex 5151, 6lNdale Cellfomie 91201

Missionary family with A.I.M. car.


MARCH, 1969

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