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Volume 4 • No. 36 • 8 pages • CORNWALL, ON • JULY 23 JUILLET, 2014
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Nouvel emplacement pour Focus Art Suivant le déménagement du Centre culturel, Focus Art a dû trouver de nouveaux locaux. Ainsi, le 11 juillet dernier, l’association d’artistes locaux tenait son premier vernissage à la galerie TAG. Plusieurs membres étaient présents, dont Rose Desnoyers, présidente de Focus Art, ainsi que Thérèse Motard, invitée spéciale.
Dealing with Cornwall’s feral cats
Lend me a tenor coming to the Playhouse
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Cornwall suscite l’intérêt de huit universités
Dealing with Cornwall’s feral cat population
birds in certain areas of America. Link be- lieves that, although they might still have the hunting instinct in them, local feral cats that are fed don’t have to truly fend for themselves. “There are several feral cat colonies in the city,” she outlines. “It’s actually pretty good for us because, when one member of the colony gets sick, the owners of the station bring them to us.” According to OSPCA cruelty investigator Bonnie Bishop, spaying 52 females would in turn prevent 21,840,000 kittens being born in poverty over seven years. Cats are capable of creating one litter of kittens over a 60-day period. Even though colonies do exist through- out the city, Link urges residents that want to get rid of their feline companion to not simply drop them off there, as feral cats can become quite territorial and aggressive. In- stead, she urges that potential cat owners inform themselves prior to adopting a fe- line pet, in order to make sure that cats are the right choice for them.
FRANCIS RACINE francis.racine@eap.on.ca
CORNWALL | Summer vacation is right around the corner and, with that, is bound to be well-deserved time spent outside, enjoying the warm weather. But don’t be alarmed when you see several feral cats in the Cornwall area. According to OSPCA SD&G branch manager Carol Link, it’s all part of the plan. The Trap Spay Vaccinate Release (TSVR) program, introduced to the city in 2008, has one simple goal: to slowly reduce the population of feral cats in the most humane way as possible. Members of the feral feline population are trapped, brought to a veteri- nary office where they are spaded and then released once more in the wild. These felines are the result of a domestic cat being abandoned or lost and left to fend for itself. The offspring of the said cat are usually never handled by people and will usually become terrified when approached
Although several feral cat colonies are present in Cornwall, OSPCA SD&G branch manager Carol Link stresses that the Trap Spay Vaccinate and Release Program cur- rently in effect has been a big factor in the reduction of their population.
by humans. “Here, at the shelter, we don’t tend to take in feral cats,” says Link. “It’s not very humane to take in an animal that is used to being free and putting it in a cage. Also, they tend to self-mutilate when they are left in cages.”
Instead, Link explains that some Cornwall residents have built feeding stations. This has also helped the population in limiting the ravages they could potentially cause throughout the city. The feral cat popula- tion is often blamed for the loss of several
Veuillez noter que nos bureaux seront fermés du 24 juillet au 4 août inclusivement. La publication du journal reprendra le mercredi 13 août. Il n’y aura PAS de publication le mercredi 30 juillet et le mercredi 6 août.
Please note that our office will be closed from July 24 to August 4 inclusively. The newspaper will NOT be published on Wednesday, July 30 and Wednesday, August 6.
Publication will resume on Wednesday, August 13.
Lend Me a Tenor coming to the Playhouse gŏđŏ
tume and pretend to be the real Tito. Just when the plan seems to be working, Tito awakes and gets into costume. Soon there are two Othellos running around in iden- tical costumes, being chased by two fe- male fans, each thinking she’s with the star himself! The hilarity that ensues has made
as Not Now Darling and The Foursome. He currently is splitting his time between The Playhouse’s Lend Me a Tenor rehearsals and performing at 1000 Island Playhouse’s She Loves Me. Also familiar with Playhouse audiences is Parris Greaves as Max, who is coaxed into
Now Darling and A Nice Family Gathering, returns to play Maggie, the opera manag- er’s daughter who’s enamoured with Tito. Patti Kazmer, also last seen in The Cemetery Club, is Julia, an opera board member who follows the opera star’s every move. Round- ing out the cast are Doug Tangney, a Play- house stalwart that audiences are always happy to see, and Ed Sahely, an actor who is making his Playhouse debut. Tangney can’t walk the streets without being recognized for the many comic roles he’s created over the years. He’ll add a star- struck Bellhop who dodges in and out of the action to his impressive list of stage credits. Sahely, who plays Saunders, the excitable theatre manager, has written and performed for several years with Second City as well as appearing at various theatres in shows such as The Drowsy Chaperone , A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum and others. Lend Me a Tenor is a ter- rific way to spend an August afternoon or evening, a great show, fabulous cast and a curtain call you won’t soon forget!
FRANCIS RACINE francis.racine@eap.on.ca
MORRISBURG | Upper Canada Playhouse’s Summer Season is in full swing and the parking lot full to the brimwith audiences from far and wide enjoying their 2014 Season of entertaining theatre. Their third show, Lend Me a Tenor by Ken Ludwig, is a hilarious comedy that guarantees to keep the action and laughs coming fast and fu- rious from July 31 through August 24. Audiences are transported to 1934 Cleve- land where world famous Tito Morelli, one of the most celebrated tenors of his time, is set to appear for one night only as Othel- lo. Everyone is soon plunged into comedy chaos when the star not only shows up late, but also passes out from inadvertently tak- ing too many tranquilizers just before his performance. Panic reigns and in true ‘the show must go on’ fashion, Max, the opera’s assistant manager, is forced to get into cos-
Lend Me a Tenor one of the most popular comedies of the past two decades. With its great story, hilari- ous characters, 1930s charm and whirlwind of mistaken identities and misunderstand-
playing the opera star at the last minute. Greaves has appeared in several Playhouse shows includ- ing Having Hope at Home and The Amourous Am- bassador . Another Playhouse favourite, Susan Green-
Audiences are transported to 1934 Cleveland where world famous Tito Morelli is set to appear
ings, it has the classiness of an old movie and the hilarity of a Marx Brothers routine. Director Donnie Bowes has lined up just the cast to ignite this fiery and snappy pe- riod piece. And a large cast it is! Sheldon Da- vis, famous for his comic talents at many of the country’s major theatres, plays famous opera singer Tito Merelli. Davis has been seen at The Playhouse in such comedies
field, returns from Alberta where she ap- peared in Cow Patti Dinner Theatre’s pro- duction of Nurse Jane Goes To Hawaii. Greenfield plays Maria, Tito’s quick-tem- pered wife. Cow Patti’s Anna Marie Lea herself joins the Lend Me a Tenor cast as the flirtatious Diana and was a hit with au- diences in last season’s The Cemetery Club. Liz Gilroy, last seen at The Playhouse in Not
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Huit universités s’intéresseraient à Cornwall
FRANCIS RACINE francis.racine@eap.on.ca
CORNWALL | Le porte-étendard du mou- vement en faveur de l’établissement d’une université à Cornwall, Gerry Benson, a livré un vibrant plaidoyer en faveur d’une telle institution devant les membres du conseil municipal le 14 juillet dernier. Selon M. Benson, la conjoncture est favo- rable à l’établissement d’une telle institu- tion, plus précisément au Centre Nav. Selon M. Benson, huit universités auraient mani- festé de l’intérêt et souhaiteraient établir un campus satellite à Cornwall. Cornwall jouit de plusieurs infrastructures qui pourraient faciliter l’aménagement d’une université, précise M. Benson. Le campus du collège St-Laurent ainsi que Nav Canada et l’Institut des sciences environne- mentales du fleuve St-Laurent pourraient tous jouer un rôle essentiel. Dans une présentation plus tôt cette an- née devant les membres du Club Richelieu, M. Benson avait établi un parallèle entre la ville de Trois-Rivières et Cornwall. «Je me souviens que lors de l’ouverture de trois succursales à Trois-Rivières (NDLR: succur- sales de Benson pièces d’autos), je devais passer plusieurs jours là-bas. La ville (Trois- Rivières) ressemblait vraiment à Cornwall. Les deux villes avaient à peu près la même population, étaient de vrais milieux indus- triels et avaient toutes deux une université de la même taille, avec à peu près le même nombre d’élèves.»
La conjoncture semble favorable à l’établissement d’une université à Cornwall, plus précisément dans le Centre Nav. Pour une an- cienne élève universitaire de Cornwall, l’acheminement d’une institution post secondaire dans la r égion aurait un effet positif.
nine Roy-Poirier. C’est bien plus facile pour les jeunes et les adultes d’obtenir un bacca- lauréat lorsqu’il y a une université près de chez eux.» Dans un recueil qu’elle a rédigé, Mme Roy-Poirier compare les statistiques entre les campus de Cornwall et North Bay. Celui de North Bay, établi lui aussi en 1972, est devenu la Nipissing University. Mme Roy- Poirier conclut que la fermeture du campus de Cornwall aurait mis un terme à toute idée de créer une université permanente dans la ville.
Trois-Rivières n’a jamais fermé son univer- sité, contrairement à Cornwall, a-t-il rappelé. Aujourd’hui, Trois-Rivières compte près de
d’éducation à distance. L’obtention d’un baccalauréat est impossible, forçant donc plusieurs à quitter leur ville natale. Pour une an- cienne élève universitaire de Cornwall, l’éta- blissement d’une institution post secondaire dans la région aurait un effet positif. «Les villes qui ont des univer- sités sont avantagées, a expliqué Dre Jean-
14 000 étudiants dans son uni- versité et 126 325 résidents. Cornwall a une population d’approximativement 47 000 personnes. «Si nous avions gardé l’université, notre ville aurait peut-être la même taille que Trois-Rivières», a opiné M. Benson.
Huit universités auraient manifesté de l’intérêt et souhaiteraient établir un campus satellite à Cornwall
Le campus satellite de Cornwall de l’Université d’Ottawa a accueilli des élèves de 1972 à 1993. Aujourd’hui, bien que l’Université d’Ottawa ait toujours une présence à Cornwall, elle n’offre que des crédits universitaires sous la forme
50 000$ pour une résidente de Cornwall
22 400 copies
625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1C3 Tel.:
613 938-1433 • Fax.: 613 938-2798
Bertrand Castonguay , Président • President , bertrand@eap.on.ca Roger Duplantie , Directeur Général • General Manager , roger@eap.on.ca François Bélair , Directeur des ventes et développement • Sales and Development Manager , fbelair@eap.on.ca François Legault , Directeur de l’information/News Editor, francois.legault@eap.on.ca Thomas Stevens, Dir. de l’infographie et du prépresse • Layout & Prepress Mgr. thomas.stevens@eap.on.ca Publicité • Advertising : francois.belair@eap.on.ca Nouvelles / News: jcornwall@eap.on.ca Classées • Classified : lyse.emond@eap.on.ca Distribution : jcornwall@eap.on.ca
Publié tous les mercredis par • Published every Wednesdays by La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell 1100 Aberdeen, Hawkesbury (Ontario) K6A 3H1 Tel.: 613 632-4151 • Fax: 613 632-6122 1 800 267-0850 Total Distribution totale: 23 000 copies # convention: 0040012398 Toute reproduction du contenu est interdite à moins d’autorisation écrite au préalable. No content may be reproduced without prior written permission.
Gisèle Lamoureux, une résidente de Cornwall, a remporté un prix impressionnant le 18 juin dernier à Hamilton et ce, grâce aux Chevaliers de Colomb de l’Ontario. Celle-ci a échangé son billet gagnant pour 50 000$. Ci-dessus, on reconnaît Lucien Desrosiers, député du district 75 Nativité de la B.V.M, Philip Pilon, membre du dis- trict 75, Alain Cayer, Secrétaire d’État de l’Ontario, Mme Lamoureux, Richard Bray, Grand Chevalier pour le district 75, ainsi que Richard Merizzi, membre du conseil du district 75.
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Local student to receive Cornwall Medical Scholarship L oca l resident and medica l st u dent B rent P atterson wi ll be the third recipient of the City of Cornwa ll’ s M edica l Scho - l arship. Cornwa ll City Co u nci l appro v ed the se l ection of P atterson at its reg ul ar Co u nci l meeting on Jul y 14 . T he st u dent wi ll recei v e the academic scho l arship of $25,000 per academic year , worth a tota l $150,000 . T he se l ection was made by a specia l committee primari l y formed of l oca l medica l professiona l s. “B ringing physicians to the City is important to the we ll- being of a ll of o u r citi z ens ,” said Cor - nwa ll M ayor B ob K i l ger. “T he goa l of o u r medica l recr u itment program is to ens u re that the comm u nity wi ll be we ll ser v ed by medica l professiona l s. T he scho l arship a l so he l ps enco u rage o u r yo u ng bright st u dents to reach for their dreams. ” T he scho l arship was created from a recom - mendation made by the M ayor ’ s T ask F orce for M edica l R ecr u itment. I n ret u rn for the scho l arship , the recipient wi ll set u p a permanent practice in Cornwa ll for a period of no l ess than fiv e years.
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Salary : Competitive salary and benefits
Starting date: As soon as possible
Salary: To be discussed
Please submit resumé to: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. a/s Roger Duplantie, General Manager 1100 Aberdeen Street Hawkesbury, Ontario K6A 1K7 Tel.: 613 632-4151 • Fax: 613 632-6383 Or email to: roger.duplantie@eap.on.ca
Starting Date: As soon as possible
Send resumé to: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. c/o Roger Duplantie, General Manager roger.duplantie@eap.on.ca P.O. Box 1000, 1100 Aberdeen Hawkesbury, Ontario K6A 3H1 Tel: 613-632-4155 Fax: 613-632-8601
Assault, threat and mischief A 19-year old Cornwall man was arrested on July 10. It is alleged that on July 1 st , he threatened to kill his mother. When she attempted to dial 9-1-1, he took the phone from her and damaged it. On July 3, in a violent outburst, he grabbed his mother by the throat with two hands. He threatened to kill her. He also damaged a therapeutic foot bath dur- ing this incident. Breach Ryan Buckshot, 39, of Akwesasne, was arrested on July 13 and charged with breaching his recognizance for being out past curfew. It is alleged that in the early morning hours of July 13 the man, who was out past curfew, was spotted by police in the area of Vincent Massey Drive and Fifteenth Street. An 18-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on July 14 and charged with breaching his recognizance, undertaking and probation order for failing to report to Cornwall Commu- nity Police Service as directed and for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that during the month of June and July, the man failed to report to police as directed and an investi- gation ensued. Donald Benedict, 42, of Cornwall, was arrested on July 15 and charged with breaching his recognizance for being out without his surety. It is alleged that during the early morn- ing hours of July 15, while conducting a bar compliance check at a local bar, police found the man to be out without his surety. A 42-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on July 15 and charged with breaching his probation order for being in the company of a 29-year-old woman while having con- sumed alcohol. It is alleged that on July 15 police went to a Pitt Street address in relation to a disturbance. Once on scene they located the intoxicated man in the company of the woman that he was not to associate with while being under the influence of alcohol. Assault with a weapon and threats A 28-year old Cornwall man was arrested on July 10. It is alleged that he engaged in a verbal argument with his mother. The man then grabbed a knife from the kitchen and threatened to kill her as well as her dog. She managed to grab the dog and leave the residence. Warrant Henry St Louis, age 22, of Montreal, was arrested on July 11. It is alleged that on June 10, he failed to attend a scheduled court appearance in relation to a criminal charge of assault. Adam Lacoste-Marshall, 22, of St-Jerome, Quebec, was arrested on July 16 on the strength of outstanding warrants. It is alleged that on July 16, police located the man at a Lauber Street address and took him into custody on the strength of warrants fromOttawa and Quebec police services. Marisa Lupien, 36, of Cornwall, was arrested on July 17 on the strength of a warrant. It is alleged that in the early morning hours of July 17, police responded to a disturbance in the area of Montreal Road and Alice Street. On arrival they located the woman who was wanted on a warrant and took her into custody. Theft under $5000 and breach Tate Jocko, 24, of Akwesasne, was arrested on July 12 and charged with theft under $5000 and breach of undertaking for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that on July 12, the man attended a department store at the Cornwall Square and removed property making no attempts to pay for them. Kevin Simser, of no fixed address, was arrested on July16 on the strength of outstand- ing warrants. He was also charged with theft under $5000 and breach of probation and recognizance for failing to notify a change of address and failing to keep the peace. It is
moved razors making no attempts to pay for the items.
Modification des règles de collecte pour les matelas et déchets électroniques Veuillez noter que, à compter du 1er août 2014, nous ne ramasserons plus les matelas ou les déchets électroniques en bord de route. Les déchets électroniques comprennent les téléviseurs, les ordinateurs portables et les ordinateurs de bureau, les scanneurs, les téléphones cellulaires, les tablettes, les moniteurs, les câbles et les accessoires périphériques apparentés, les systèmes audio et vidéo, les télécopieurs, etc. Les matelas comprennent tout matelas ou sommier dont les dimensions minimales sont de 191 cm x 99 cm (75 po x 39 po). Cette mesure est prise pour réduire la quantité de matières qui aboutit inutilement dans le site d’enfouissement de la Ville. Les résidents ont plusieurs options pour se débarrasser de ces articles. Déchets électroniques • Un contenant désigné pour les déchets électroniques a été installé au point de dépôt public au site d’enfouissement de la Ville. Les résidents peuvent y déposer toute l’année leurs déchets électroniques gratuitement aux heures normales d’ouverture. • Un certain nombre d’organismes locaux sans but lucratif ont établi des relations avec des entreprises de traitement des déchets électroniques et organisent régulièrement des journées spéciales de collecte. • Plusieurs détaillants locaux de produits électroniques ont déjà mis en place leurs propres programmes de récupération. Matelas • Les résidents et les entreprises peuvent déposer leurs matelas usagés à la décharge pour y être recyclés. Des redevances de déversement ordinaires s’appliquent (des frais actuels minimaux de 10 $ pour moins de 150 kg). • Nous encourageons les résidents à faire don des matelas qui sont en bon état à des centres locaux de réutilisation ou à négocier la reprise de leurs matelas existants lors de l’achat de matelas neufs chez un détaillant. Pour plus d'informations, visitez www.Cornwall.ca ou composer le (613) 937-1777. Mischief and breach James Quinn, 30, of Long Sault, was arrested on July 13 and charged with mischief and breach of probation and undertaking for failing to keep the peace. He was also charged with breaching his undertaking and for breaching curfew. It is alleged that in the early morning hours of July 13 the man threw a rock at a window of a Second Street East building and po- lice were contacted. Mischief An 18-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on July 15 and charged with two counts of mischief. It is alleged that on July 15 the man went to his 19-year-old ex-girlfriend’s place of work and poured juice on her car. In February, the man had also struck his ex-girlfriend’s car with an egg. Fraud and breach Shawna Chartrand, 22, of Cornwall, was arrested on July 16 and charged with two counts of fraud and two counts of breach of undertaking for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that on two separate occasions in April, the woman deposited empty envelopes into some- one else’s account and withdrew funds. Theft under $5000 Bruce Taylor, 39, of Cornwall, was arrested on July 17 and charged with theft under $5000. It is alleged that in the early morning hours of July 17, the man was spotted by a member of the Cornwall Community Police Service leaving a business on Boundary Road in his vehicle. During a traffic stop, police discovered that the man had removed copper wire from the business without permission.
alleged that on July 16, the man attended a Ninth Street store and removed several cans of dog food making no attempts to pay for the items. Christopher Berry, 32, of Cornwall, was arrested on July 16 and charged with theft under $5000 and breach of probation and undertaking for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that on July 16, the man at- tended a Brookdale Avenue store and re-
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