
Deadline / Heure de tombée Friday / Vendredi - 3:00 pm Classified Ads Annonces Classées


SECTION 26 OCCASIONS D AFFAIRES Opportunité d’affaire: Travail à domicile - Gé- nérez un revenu sup- plémentaire en deve- nant entrepreneur pour une compagnie bio- p h a r m a c e u t i q u e . Contactez-nous par courriel à l’adresse: m m i e u x e -

Local student to receive Cornwall Medical Scholarship L oca l resident and medica l st u dent B rent P atterson wi ll be the third recipient of the City of Cornwa ll’ s M edica l Scho - l arship. Cornwa ll City Co u nci l appro v ed the se l ection of P atterson at its reg ul ar Co u nci l meeting on Jul y 14 . T he st u dent wi ll recei v e the academic scho l arship of $25,000 per academic year , worth a tota l $150,000 . T he se l ection was made by a specia l committee primari l y formed of l oca l medica l professiona l s. “B ringing physicians to the City is important to the we ll- being of a ll of o u r citi z ens ,” said Cor - nwa ll M ayor B ob K i l ger. “T he goa l of o u r medica l recr u itment program is to ens u re that the comm u nity wi ll be we ll ser v ed by medica l professiona l s. T he scho l arship a l so he l ps enco u rage o u r yo u ng bright st u dents to reach for their dreams. ” T he scho l arship was created from a recom - mendation made by the M ayor ’ s T ask F orce for M edica l R ecr u itment. I n ret u rn for the scho l arship , the recipient wi ll set u p a permanent practice in Cornwa ll for a period of no l ess than fiv e years.

JONATHAN’S VARIE- TY 357 ALICE STREET DVD REN- TALS $1.99 + TAX; NEW RELEASES EVERY WEEK; OPEN MON. - SAT. 10 - MID- NIGHT; SUNDAY 10 - 10 SECTION 20 ATTENTION AVIS NEED CASH NOW? We buy guns, licensed dealer in Hawkesbury. We want your firearms and militaria. Quick, easy and confidential; or(613)632-4848.

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$ 5

for 25 words pour 25 mots

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Classified ads are paid in advance • Les petites annonces sont payables à l’avance 613 938-1433

is looking for an experienced Graphic Designer Requirements : • MINIMUM 5 years of experience • Excellent knowledge of INDESIGN is a must! (CS4 - InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator) • Bilingual (french and english), written and spoken; • Must be dynamic, creative and have determination; • Must be a team player with a minimum of supervison • Must be able to work under pressure in a fast paste environment with various deadlines

Is looking for a Manager/Salesperson

The ideal candidate is a dynamic self-starter with excellent personal skills and a passion for success.

Requirements: • Experience in sales • Possess excellent interpersonal skills • Bilingual (French, English), both oral and written • Demonstrated teamwork • Desire to always reach higher goals • Desire to get involved in the community • Possess valid driver’s license and use of vehicle

Salary : Competitive salary and benefits

Starting date: As soon as possible

Salary: To be discussed

Please submit resumé to: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. a/s Roger Duplantie, General Manager 1100 Aberdeen Street Hawkesbury, Ontario K6A 1K7 Tel.: 613 632-4151 • Fax: 613 632-6383 Or email to:

Starting Date: As soon as possible

Send resumé to: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. c/o Roger Duplantie, General Manager P.O. Box 1000, 1100 Aberdeen Hawkesbury, Ontario K6A 3H1 Tel: 613-632-4155 Fax: 613-632-8601

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