DeSoto FY21----FY22-Approved-Budget

Major Revenue Comparison All Funds










FY 2019 Actuals

FY 2020 Projected

FY 2021 Adopted Budget

FY 2020 Projected

FY 2021 Adopted Budget

FY 2019 Actuals

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

31,118,603 30,527,455 9,176,962 5,149,926 4,750,117 2,000,001 1,320,793 1,090,270 13,986,825

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

31,804,800 32,886,528 8,875,184 5,060,290 4,847,363 1,992,971 1,172,200 1,282,750 9,495,241

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

33,246,765 35,248,296 11,360,000 5,101,290 5,206,057 1,992,971 1,209,000 1,132,000 8,185,380

Charges for Services

Property Taxes

Sales Taxes

Franchise Fees Intergovernmental Administrative Fees Fines & Forfeitures Licenses & Permits


Sales Taxes comprise 11.06% of the total budgeted revenues. The city receives 2 cents of the total 8.25% remitted to the State for the sale of goods and services in DeSoto. The 2 cents received is allocated to the General Fund, the Economic Development Corporation and the Park Development Corporation. Franchise Fees make up 4.97% of the total budgeted revenues. This fee is charged to specific utilities that conduct business in DeSoto and is based on gross receipts. The City also receives franchise fees from its Public Utility enterprise fund that provides water and wastewater treatment services to DeSoto residents and businesses. Intergovernmental revenue represents 5.07% of the total budgeted revenues. These funds represents revenue from federal or state grants, other local government entities, participant share income from regional dispatch and jail, reimbursements from other government entities, and state and federal seized funds. The administrative fee revenue is charged to the Utilities which are apart of the government entity for which general services are provided. Fines and forfeitures are from municipal court actions. License and permits represent revenues for permits for building, alarm, and general use. Miscellaneous Revenues represent 17.26% of the total budgeted revenues. This source consist of Debt proceeds, auction proceeds, Lease income, donations, interest income and various other revenue sources. The first column for each group represents the actual revenues for the FY 2019, the second column represents the projected budgeted revenues for the FY 2020 and the third column represents the proposed revenues for FY 2021. FY 2021 Adopted Budget Charges for services represent 32.38% of total budgeted revenues. They consist of revenue earned by the City in exchange for specific types of services provided. Examples of services include water sales, sewer service charges, alarm monitoring revenues, storm drainage fees and ambulance services. Property Taxes represent 34.33% of total budgeted revenues. This revenue is based on the assessed value of commercial, residential and business personal property in the City of DeSoto. The assessed value is multiplied by the tax rate of .701554 cents per $100 valuation.


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