DeSoto FY21----FY22-Approved-Budget

Drainage Improvements Fund Fund 528 This fund will begin FY 2021 with a FB of $2,737,779 and will end the year with a FB of $2,240,279, which represents an 18.6% decrease in FB throughout the year.


Sanitation Enterprise Fund Fund 551

This fund will begin FY 2021 with a working capital balance of $801,279 and will end with a projected balance of $870,669, which represents a 4.50% increase in working capital balance throughout the year.

Sanitation Equipment Replacement Fund Fund 553

This fund will begin FY 2021 with a balance of $81,479 and is projected end the year with a FB of $167,179, which represents a .105.9% increase in FB throughout the year. This fund is used to purchase vehicle/equipment and will carry a FB for future purchases.


Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund Fund 221

In FY 2021 the Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) Fund will begin with a FB of $1,104,832 and is projected to end with a FB of $969,779, which represents a decrease of 12.2% throughout the year. This reduction in FB is due to an increase, an increase in Capital Outlay expenditures and an increase in Special Events costs for community events intended to enhance hotel occupancy associated with tourist attractions.


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