North American Charter Plus 10

Options for accessing funds Penalty-free withdrawals

Market value adjustment with external index

Like most annuities, you’ll be limited in when and how much you can withdraw from your annuity penalty- free. After the first contract anniversary, a penalty-free withdrawal (also known as a penalty-free partial surrender), of up to 10% of the accumulation value may be taken each year. If you withdraw more than the penalty-free withdrawal, a surrender charge, market value adjustment, and premium bonus recapture may apply and the AV true-up feature will terminate. After the surrender charge period, surrender charges, premium bonus recapture and a market value adjustment no longer apply to any withdrawals. Withdrawals may be treated by the government as ordinary income. If taken before age 59 1/2, you may also have to pay a 10% IRS penalty. Withdrawals will reduce your accumulation value accordingly.

Your contract also includes a market value adjustment feature—which may decrease or increase your surrender value depending on the change in the index value of the market value adjustment external index since your annuity purchase. Due to the mechanics of a market value adjustment, surrender values generally decrease as the market value adjustment external index rises or remains constant. When the market value adjustment external index decreases enough over time, the surrender value generally increases. However, the market value adjustment is limited to the surrender charge or the interest credited to the accumulation value. This adjustment is applied only during the market value adjustment period to surrenders exceeding the applicable penalty-free allowance.



REV 1-24

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