Choose a strategy that suits you Performance Choice offers a wide selection of index strategies, allowing you to find a comfortable fit, no matter your personal financial approach. Lock in interest credits each contract anniversary One advantage of fixed index annuities is a reset feature, which applies to this annuity no matter which crediting method you choose. With the reset, any interest credits are added, or credited, to your accumulation value on each contract anniversary. For the Two-year-Point-to-Point option, this reset happens at the end of each two-year term, instead of annually. Once credits are added, they’re locked in. That means they can’t be taken away due to negative index performance. At that point, they are included in your accumulation value, giving you the advantage of compounding interest in subsequent years. Also, by resetting your starting index value at the same time, this feature can help minimize your risk if the index experiences a severe downturn. Without it, you’d have to wait for the index value to climb up to its original level before any interest credit could be realized. Key benefits of Performance Choice 8
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