King's Business - 1910-12

Mrs. Eddy quotes Jno. 4:24, " God is Spirit, | ' to justify her f ' God is Spirit, 1' and then she denie s His personality, which is involved in His spirituality. Our Eddyite article quotes, I Cor. 15:28, ' ' that God may be all in all, V to jus- t i fy the ' ' A ll is Go d" assumption. But it ignores the facts that the same author, Paul, teaches that, "All things were created." (Col. 1:16), and there- fore cannot be God; and that " H e is before all t h i n g s" (v. 17), and was God before the all existed. So, too, the place in Corinthians does not bear the construction the article puts on it. Scripture can only be quoted fairly when it is applied wholly. If the ' ' Sci- e n t i s t" quotes I Cor. 15:28, as backing his position, why ignore the rest of the chapter and of the Scripture, which says, Christ was crucified for our sins;

that He rose from the dead; that there is corruption; and treats all these as realities, not as "Christian Science" treats them; and calls Christ "Adam" (see v. 45) which Mrs. Eddy says means "the mortal mind," ' ' t h e car- nal mi n d . '' Scripture treats the world, sin, pain, death, all as common-sense is accustomed to view them, and practical life is obliged to view them, if ' ' the Science" falls back on the Bible at all, why not on all? No, but it "handles the Word of God deceitfully," I I Cor. 4:3. It comes in borrowed livery of light, I I Cor. 11:14. As you have to take the world for what it seems to be, so do with the Word, do not allow yourself to be flattered, coddled,' and cadjoled into the denial of common-sense, the common opinion of mankind, and the obvious teaching of God's word.

g r i e f Thoughts

For Busy Teachers.

International Sunday School Lesson as Taught by T. C. Horton At the Bible Institute, Los Angeles.


'PETER'S DENIAL." Matt. 26:31-35; 69-75. Golden Text— 1 Cor. 10:12. i Outline.

The parallel passages are found in Mark 14:66, 72; Luke 22:55-62; John 18:16-18, 25-27. These passages should be read Carefully in order to get the whole scene. SELF CONFIDENT. " Y e t will I not deny t h e e . '' The Lord had graciously warned the disciples after the supper. When their hearts were warm with the fellowship

(1) The Self-Confident Peter, 31-35. (2) The Self-Contradictory Peter, 69-74. (3) Te Self-Condemned Peter, 75. |

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