King's Business - 1910-12

Son of God, who has authority, says go. A soldier never questions the authority of a command of the Lord. The world is the parish of every disciple. ..The need is urgent. Two-thirds of the field without the message. The church can never fulfill its mission by ringing bells and singing "Come to J e s u s ." It must go or be recreant to the most sacred trust ever committed to men. While a single being remains outside of the fold of Christ, the demand is im- perative." " G o . " " Ou rs not to rea- son why; ours not to make reply; ours but to do or die.". It is the imperial command of the all-powerful risen Son of God. THE UNMISTAKABLE MESSAGE. "Make disciples of all nations." In Mark we are t61d hpw it is to be done. " P r e a ch the gospel." Paul de- fines the gospel in the 15th of 1st Corin- thians.. Christ died for our sins (atone- ment). He rose again the third day (resurrection). He is coming for His followers (blessed hope). This is the gospel. Sin separates from God and needs atonement. Christ died in the sinner's behalf and paid the penalty for sin. He arose from the grave in order that the sinner might be justified, have the new life impart- ed. He is coming again to give him a place with Himself, where he will be forever with the Lord. The acceptance of this gospel was to be sealed by an outward profession of baptism. They were to baptize into the name of. the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Confession of Jesus Christ puts the sinner into Christ. " I f any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.'' Baptism is the acknowledgement of the work already wrought. Baptism does, not add anything to the finished work of God, but in that rite man sets his seal to that which God has done. The Lord here sets his own seal, to the co-equality of Father, Son and Spirit. These disciples are also to be taught all things which are commanded. They are to be instructed in all truth. How simple is the work committed to the followers of Christ. They were never commissioned to civilize nations, to build and perpetuate institutions. Ten thousands of blessings were to flow from the work they were commanded

incarnation, death and passion. The words, properly rendered, would read " w a s g i v e n ." It was the eternal pur- pose of God that he should assume the* mediatorial reign, and now, having ris- en from the dead, he is invested with the authority. He will exercise the power until all enemies are put under his feet, and death itself is destroyed. As God and man, his reign will be absolute and everlasting. He has au- thority over all forces of nature, as was manifested in his miracles. He has power over all spiritual forces. He will send the Holy Spirit', as the divine agent, to bestow this power upon them. He has power to forgive sin and will authorize them to declare sin for- given. He has power of revelation, and will appear to Saul of Tarsus and to John,' the beloved and show them things to come. He has power of judg- ment and before Him shall be gathered all nations. He has power in heaven, so that all the heavenly hosts do his bidding. The church needs to keep looking to Him, in place of looking to human force. He has power in earth and will bring to pass whatever pleases him- self. He has power in hell. He has taken the place of power, at the right hand of God. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. UNIVERSAL MISSION. "Go teach all nations." The gospel is for the whole world. The whole world is lost, f ' God so loved the world." Jesus came into the world and for the world God sent His son into the world. He died for the world. " G o ye into all the world." The world liƩth in wickedness." " T h e field is the world." God gave no limited parish to the Church. The command is to every disciple. The obligation is upon every disciple. He says ' ' come'' to the sinner but " g o " to the believer. He means go. I t is not enough for the church to have charitable feelings toward the last; it is its duty to go to them. It is not because the heathen are lost,; not because they are wretched in their ignorance and blindness; not because civilization will follow the promulga- tion of the gospel, and untold temporal blessings will flow to the nations. I t is because He says go. Go, because the

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