IEA & UNESCO | TIMSS 2019 Joint Report (EN)


Measuring global education goals: How TIMSS helps

Why this booklet?

report, TIMSS 2019 International Results in Mathematics and Science 1 , and additional analyses conducted by IEA and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This booklet provides further insights on how learning assessments not only can help monitor, but also improve learning outcomes through interventions related to equity, school violence, learning environment or teacher qualifications. In addition, it shows how learning is associated with particular factors that also need to be closely monitored. These include children’s early childhood experiences, their motivation and educational aspirations, their home background, as well as their learning and teaching environments. UNESCO and IEA have released this booklet to increase participants’ understanding of TIMSS findings and their relevance for policy-making, the application of learning assessments to measure global education targets, and actions needed to translate the Education 2030 Agenda commitments into national education development efforts.

This booklet has been prepared for the international release of TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) 2019 and in the context of the study’s efforts to advance the global Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, monitoring progress and promoting appropriate national, regional and international tools for measuring learning outcomes. TIMSS is a flagship study of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), and TIMSS 2019 marks the seventh cycle of the study, providing 24 years of trends. Conducted every four years since 1995, TIMSS has been a valuable tool for monitoring international trends in mathematics and science achievement at the fourth and eighth grades. From the 2019 cycle onwards, an innovative computerized version of TIMSS enables countries to investigate complex areas of the mathematics and science framework that are difficult to measure with traditional paper and pencil tests.

The analyses presented in this booklet are based on results presented in the TIMSS 2019 international

1 For the TIMSS 2019 international results visit:

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