MN Victim Services Newsletter Mar 2021

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St . Patrick ' s Day

March 17 , 2021

Stefanie Hurt Manager, VIP Program - MN, SD, & ND Region 651-523-0802 ext.2752

Each year , St . Patr ick ’ s Day i s celebrated wi th ci ty parades , funny leprechaun hats , and plenty o ' green beer . Unfortunately , i t of ten ends wi th r i sky drunk dr ivers taking to the streets when the part ies end . Drunk dr iving accounts for near ly one - thi rd of vehicle - related fatal i t ies in the Uni ted States . * NHTSA

Rahya Iliff Victim Services Lead

(Greater MN region) 651-523-0802 ext.2760

Megan Helberg Victim Services Specialist (Metro & Southern MN region) megan.helberg@madd. org 651-523-0802 ext.2758 Find us at: @MADDMinnesota1

How can you help keep others , and yoursel f , safe ?

Commi t to a Sober Ride Plan for a safe r ide — des ignate a sober dr iver , use a cab / publ ic transportat ion or stay at the locat ion of the celebrat ion . Speak Up – Of fer to be a des ignated dr iver or be avai lable to pick up a loved one anyt ime , anywhere . Buckle up — the best defense against a drunk dr iver . Report drunk dr iving — cal l 91 1 when wi tness ing impai red dr iving behavior . Be prepared to provide locat ion , l icense plate number and observed dangerous behavior .


* * MN Department Publ ic Safety

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