
Keep your lights on timers If you are going out of town, keep your lights on a timer. Doing so will make it look like someone is home and a thief is less likely to approach. With different lights on and off at different times throughout the day, it will help to keep your home looking as lived in as possible. Package deliveries If you are at work during the day, ask your delivery company to put your packages in the back of your home. Boxes on your doorstep are easy targets. Thieves tend to steal packages left on doorsteps during the holiday season, and it lets them know when someone isn’t home. Watch what you toss During the holidays, large boxes like those used for items like televisions or big appliances are targets for thieves - especially in the days following Christmas. Try to break down the large boxes so they can fit into your trash so those looking to steal will not give your home a second glance. Social media Sites like Facebook and Instagram are a great way to let your friends know what you have been up to; however, they can be a way for thieves to see that you are out of town. If you are traveling, wait until you get home to post. Don’t open the door In addition to keeping your doors locked at all times, make sure that you only open the door for people you know. Thieves can pose as a door-to-door salesperson or delivery employee, then force their way into your home once you open the door. Decorations and lighting Cracking a window to run an extension cord into your home is an easy way for thieves to break in. Make sure to plug your lights in outside; buying an extra extension cord to run to the nearest outlet is a lot less expensive than having to replace the items stolen from your home. T he holidays are a bright and merry time to enjoy with friends and family; however, there is a dark side. Every year, peoples’ homes or cars get broken into due to thieves cashing in on everyone else’s big spending. Keeping your home and car locked up is just a start. Here are some tips to ensure that your family is as safe as possible this holiday season: Holiday Safety Tips

by Kayla Farr

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