DanceIHC 10th Season Anniversary E- Magazine

Serenity Tadlock

Serenity Tadlock


Congratulations On Your Recital Serenity , We Love You David , DJ ,Kylee

Love you Money from your Paran

Shiloh Aibangbee

Skottlyn Haynes

Congratulations Shiloh from your grandparents! We know you were sore like an eagle in your dance recital. Of course you got your dance moves from your dad and paw-paw . We are looking forward to share in the moment of this precious memory. We know you will make us gleam with pride and joy, watching our beautiful granddaughter’s dance performance. Kisses and hugs, Love Granny and Paw Paw

“Great dancers are not great because of their technique; they are great because of their passion." Keep dancing your heart out my sweet granddaughter! Love You, MawMaw Sandra

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