KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-09

be fashioned like unto it. (Philip- pians 3:21). Q. Seattle, Wash. "Please explain why the Christian should not use real playing cards." A. Our students and faculty are re­ quired to abstain from playing cards and gambling. Such things we believe are readily identified with a worldly life which is con­ trary to the Christian testimony (I Thessalonians 5:22). We are to avoid all appearances of evil. There is a definite departure from the way of life God would have us fol­ low. The principle of the believer is, "Does it hurt anybody else?" Will it cause someone to stumble?" That is the reason why we should remove ourselves from things which have a definite connection with the things of this world. Use of such cards will certainly not strengthen the Christian life. Q. Pueblo, Colo. "Is Genesis 1:26- 28 the story of the creation before the fall? Did not God command them to reproduce before the fall?" A. We do not know all that God had in mind when He told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and to mul­ tiply. It was certainly a part of His divine decree that they were to have offspring. The birthpangs would be accompanied by labor and pain. God has pronounced His blessing on marriage which is the only way by which children prop­ erly are brought into the world. Q. Caldwell, Idaho, "What does the original manuscript reveal concern­ ing Genesis 6:16?" A. The window in the ark was to provide light and air. God gave Noah the perfect dimensions which He had appointed. There are those who would seek to heap scorn on the ark and would ridicule such

self knows how many homes have been destroyed by it and how many virtuous ones have been ru­ ined through it. This is to say noth­ ing of robberies and all manner of crimes which are traceable to al­ cohol. This verse is speaking to Old Testament worshippers. Notice where they are to do this. It is not at cocktail parties. It is to be “ be­ fore the Lord thy God" (vs. 23). This was part of a religious cere­ mony. In orthodox Judaism there is what they call “ ceremonial" or "festival wine." It is not used for self-indulgence to excess. People do not lose control of their senses or emotions. In Proverbs we are specifically admonished not to drink the wine while it is red. This refers to the problem of alcoholic content. In Ephesians 5:18 we are not to be "drunk with wine where­ in is excess." The word in the orig­ inal Greek is "riot." Our position is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. If this were true then we would not have any craving for some­ thing else. Q. Providence, R.I. "Does God have a body?" A. The Bible teaches us that God is a Spirit. They that worship Him must do so in spirit and in truth. The Lord does not have a body as we know it. It is hard for us to imagine a personality without some sort of a form. That is because of our limited finite ability to under­ stand things. God certainly does not have a body as we know it. The Lord Jesus took on a body when He became man. What kind of a body He had prior to His in­ carnation no one knows. We do know that He has a resurrection body, and that someday ours will Page 12

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