verses as Genesis 6:16 on some scientific basis. Please spare your self! There has been no more sci entific vessel structured than this one. This is a solid, actual, Biblical account and scientifically defens ible with proper substantiation. Q. Seattle, Wash. "How would you interpret or explain Genesis 15:12?" A. This verse tells about the sun setting and a deep sleep falling upon Abraham. The actual account begins in verse seven where God promises Abraham a special inher itance. The patriarch was seeking for some confirmation. This prom ise was on a unilateral basis and Abraham was not even conscious of what was going on. This was an unconditional covenant. God bound Himself, just as He did with David, as well as in the new cove nant. The Lord did not want any body to make a mistake about who would fulfill the land agreement. Ownership of the land rests upon an unconditional covenant which binds God. Q. " I would like to have help in understanding Romans 6:23." A. This is the familiar passage re minding us that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. It might help you to grasp the meaning if you substi tute "rewards" for wages. Sins are the outcropping of our fallen Ad amic nature. The result is death both physical, spiritual and eter nal. Regardless of what you think about hell, it is a place apart from God and all that is good. On the other side of the ledger is God's free gift of love and grace in the person of His Son, our Saviour. As we consider His work on Calvary's cross we may appropriate by faith
our full need for salvation. Never consider the gift of God as being cheap. It cost heaven its very best in order to make our salvation se cure. While it may be free to us we can never comprehend the in finite amount of suffering and ag ony which were required of our Lord. What we deserve as a result of who we are and what we have done is death. But the gift of God, which we do not deserve is only obtainable as a free gift. Christ did it all. We simply become the re cipients of the work that He ac complished on Calvary's cross. Q. Seattle, Wash. "Could you help me to see the meaning of I Tim othy 2:15?" A . This is one of the pastoral epistles. It is a letter sent by Paul, at the direction of the Holy Spirit, to a young man in the ministry. The apostle is declaring, "Let the women learn in silence with all subjection." This speaks of the proper order in the church, not the home. The teaching shows author ity in the public assembly. It is not a question of superiority or infer iority but of God's ordained order. An excellent explanation was giv en years ago by Dr. James M. Gray who declared, "A woman can be kept in her proper place if she has any misgivings about whether she will step out of her sphere of great est effectiveness and authority. If she will safe-guard herself there, let her do it." This word "child bearing" in the original also means the training in the home. Look at the history of the church. The wo men who have been the most ef fective are those who have guided their children aright. A mother's first responsibility is in the home where she is queen. No Christian Page 13
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