KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-09

ers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge." It has a ring of this present age, does it not? Cod wanted the peo­ ple to know that in His sovereign dealings with man it is always on a personal and individual level. Everyone is responsible for his own actions. No one is able to excuse himself, based on his background or heredity. Cod's Spirit desires to work His miracle of grace in all men. Note the teaching of such verses as Romans 3:23 and 6:23. Q. Kansas City, Mo. "I wish you could give me some information on our resurrection. Will we not have a resurrection before the trib­ ulation?" A. So far as the subject of the res­ urrection for believers is con­

cerned, before the tribulation this is brought out so clearly in I Thes- salonians 4:13-18. (That is one of the most blessed passages in the Word of God.) Another great sec­ tion of Scripture which deals with this is I Corinthians 15:50-58. These portions deal with what is known as the Rapture. It precedes both the Tribulation and the Millenni­ um. At that hour the dead in Christ shall rise first and we all will be given bodies fashioned like unto His glorious body. This refers only to born-again believers of this age. The Tribulation period is a time of God's judgment upon a God-hat­ ing, Christ-rejecting world. It is not a judgment for believers. It is after the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth that all men who have re­ jected Christ, the gift of God's di­ vine love, will be resurrected and stand before Him ready to receive their just condemnation and con­ signment to hell forever (Revela­ tion 6:16, 17). An excellent pam­ phlet on the subject is by J. F. Strombeck, "First the Rapture." Dr. H. A. Ironside has an equally good one on, "Not Wrath, But Rapture." There is a classic book on this im­ portant theme which we would most heartily endorse, "Jesus Is Coming Again," by William E. Blackstone. There are many other excellent books dealing with this subject, and available from our Bi- ola Book Room if you would like to write and request information. Musa Dogonyaro won the first SCRIBES' Trophy, voted on and presented to a Biola athlete by local sports editors. It is given to the Biola athlete who has given the school the best and most publicity, and in so doing portrays the athletic tradition of Biola. Page 15

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