After having been in the com munity for only a few days, they had to move on their way. Shortly thereafter troubles began to set in. Doubts caused some to question things they had heard, and Paul was not there to answer them. Could these Thessalonians stand with God alone? For us, too, there are times when we have to stand alone with our Bible, our faith in God and the strength of the Holy Spirit. This may be what God intends when He takes away key people who have been instrumental in bringing us to Christ or counselling us in those early stages of our walk with the Lord. There were real troubles for these Thessalonian believers. Paul had tried to get them ready for it. God allows such to happen in His love and wisdom for the strengthening of our faith. Our first impulse is to expect God to remove the diffi culty. We may be quite surprised when this does not happen in an swer to our cry. God's purpose is not so much to remove the diffi culty, as it is to strengthen us to meet the onslaught. What He wants is for us to grow into the likeness of Christ. Faith must continue to feed on the Word of God. We see in the Scriptures how Job was tried. No one could miss the triáis Abraham experienced. Much has been said about David's temptation. On down the line we see these great saints go through their diverse experiences. This en courages us to believe that God loves us, too. His testing is always with purpose. Its goal is that our faith will grow. Have you learned to trust God in the dark; when the circumstances of life are contra-
began to be an interest in the Bible and the church activities. I started witnessing to my buddies about their need for Jesus, too. While I was only a little boy, I began talk ing about the second coming of the Lord and of the hope of seeing Him face-to-face someday. Now, many years later, those same in gredients are still with me. My faith is a little more mature; my love is a great deal richer; and my hope is brighter than ever before. Have you experienced your be ginnings of faith? Right now, at this very moment, you can decide. If this is your choice, seek out a friend and tell him. It will seal your own conversion and be a blessing to the one with whom you share the good news. THE TRIAL OF FAITH When you have tasted of God's salvation, trusting Christ for eter nal life, you must not be surprised if your faith is put to the test. Quite often our feelings and circum stances of life may seem to contra dict our profession of faith. Trials come to prove to us that we really are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Such experiences confirm and validate our stand. Satan will constantly seek to tempt us to de part from God, perhaps even to deny our faith in Christ. The trying of our faith is a very necessary experience. Scripture tells us that Paul, Silas, and Timo thy had come to the city of Thes- salonica where they preached the Gospel with power and the dem onstration of the Holy Spirit. Num bers of people turned to the Lord from their idols. These faithful men of God sought to teach these peo ple so that they might be estab lished in their faith.
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