workings of the grace of God in their hearts. They accepted their own loss as part of God's plan. They responded to the Lord with more faith and love. This experi ence, reflected by their spiritual growth, was evident to all with whom they came in contact. May it be for us that the trial of our faith, which is much more precious than gold, though it be put into the fire, is to be found un to praise and honor and glory at the appearing of the Lord Jesus. Though you cannot see Him, faith tells you that He is with you, and you love Him. This love just over flows your heart with a joy that is unspeakable, and full of glory. You have won the battle with faith amid the trials and testings. And the end results, in addition to the salvation of your soul, are the grow ing of faith, the abounding of love and the joyful hope in the person al return of Christ. Remember, the trying of your faith is part of the plan, and it makes you a victor. We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ who loves us in the midst of our tribulation. Take your stand by faith, and let the whole world know, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust Him." May God bless you> APPLICATION OF FAITH The Word of God is very explicit about the fact that no man is ever saved by works. It is all of God's grace, plus absolutely nothing. Fol lowing our salvation we are to have a zeal for good works. Such are the windows in which the life of Christ can be seen by those around us. We are to take this wonderful life of God by faith and deliberately put it into our inter-personal rela tionships. Page 33
dictory? The test is whether we love God when He allows troubles to come into our lives. We all too often surrender to the temptation of the evil one who wants us to think that the Lord has lost interest in us. Job affirmed, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust him." How could we doubt His promise, "No good thing will He withhold from them who walk uprightly." Afflic tions pressuring our emotions would deceive us and make us ar rive at wrong conclusions concern ing God and our salvation. Faith has to take its stand. In the midst of emotions I must needs stand by faith, determining, "I believe God!" Timothy was sent by Paul back to Thessalonica to inquire about the faith of the new Christians. Maybe you, like these early Chris tians, are right now going through some deep waters. Perhaps the Lord has allowed a loved one to be taken home, or some reverses to be experienced in your business, or friends have misunderstood and even misrepresented you. All of these things hurt. How do you take such difficulties? Are you seeing God's gracious hand in it all? I married a young couple some years ago. They so much wanted a little one in their home, but all in dications were that it might be an impossibility. Then the Lord an swered their prayers, and a little one came. How happy they were. We rejoiced with them in this new life which entered into their home. What a sweet Christian couple. Then the small child developed a disease. In a few hours, he was dead. I stood with this mother and father to comfort them. They were being sorely tested as to their faith and love for God. What a thrill beyond description to watch the
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