KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-09

lations. Do not use your body as an instrument for self-gratification." It is really not your house, but rather the sanctuary of the Lord. All its powers, functions, appetites and instincts are to be dedicated to the purposes for which the Creator made it. As believers we need to take a stand for chastity, honor and purity. We should be able to demon­ strate in our marriage relationship all that God intended for the prop­ er functioning of physical health in the context of moral responsi­ bility. Such is one of the most powerful sermons any local con­ gregation can preach to those out­ side of Christ. Paul challenged the Thessalonians and the Corinthians to do this. In this way we can dem­ onstrate the relevancy of the Gos­ pel. How else will people know that it is the power of God unto salvation? God has not called us to prac­ tice unkindness, irresponsible liv­ ing. He wants us to practice holi­ ness. To do otherwise is to despise the Word of God. If we could just get this across to our young peo­ ple, as well as to ourselves, we would be walking demonstrations of practical holiness which would be healthful and helpful for all so­ ciety. It would validate in people's minds the power of the Gospel to transform men from irresponsible living to Christ-like existence. Christ came that we might have life, and that we might have it more abundantly. Is this true of you today? Do you want to please God? In your own personal life style is it evident to those who know you that you appreciate the fact that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?

Our relationship with God is a love relationship. And a love rela­ tionship seeks to please those whom we love. Paul had already taught the Thessalonians that such a life would please God. There are two things God is always look for in our lives. These please Him im­ mensely. The first one is expressive of man's duty toward God, while the second shows him his duty toward others. It is all centered on love. God is satisfied when He finds us trusting the Lord Jesus Christ in everything. We have only Him in which to place our confidence. Do we seek to know Him better, searching the Scriptures for our spiritual growth? The other principle pleasing to God is when He finds us expressing His love. Do we forgive each oth­ er, even as the Lord forgives us? He has accepted us into His fam­ ily, and wants us to accept one another. When we are jealous, en­ vious, hateful, unforgiving, and un­ kind, He is displeased. The Spirit is grieved. We should abound more in the life of love. It may require cultivation for effectiveness. The whole of our life should be volun­ tarily separated, sanctified, and set apart to God for the fulfilling of His divine will. Paul told the believers in Thes- salonica that they were to abstain from fornication. This represents permissiveness in sexual relations. What a picture of today's society. Such not only is hurtful to those who practice it, but also it is hurt­ ful to a man's relationship with God. The Apostle says here, "I want every one of you to know how to make proper use of your body in all of its interpersonal re- Page 34

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